Chapter 24

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~two weeks later~

Mikeys P. O. V.

I walked through the halls of the Tokyo Hotel whistling a random tune. I wasn't normally the person to whistle and skip trough the halls like a retarded character from a random kids show, but today was an exception.

I was going to an amusement park with Harvey. It wasn't a date or anything like that, on the contrary ot was still merely a way to keep Harveys mind off Loren.

It had been about two weeks since they broke up and he was already pretty much back to normal, but I insisted on getting him out of the house too.

Regardless of the reason to meet up, the thought of seeing him made me feel exceptionally happy. I took the bike to Harveys house and went by car from there.

"So how have you been?" I asked Harvey as we walked between the rides.

"I'm great actually. I've gotten my grades up again and Elliot is actually decent to me. For brother standards of course" he laughed.

"You know what I mean" I said raising one eyebrow at him. Harveys smile faded slightly and he cleared his throat.

"I no longer think about it as much... I mean, yeah, I do think about it sometimes... But I'm over it. Really I'm good" Harvey said and gave me a reassuring smile.

"If you say so. I'm glad you're doing better again" I smiled and patted his shoulder lightly.

"Thank you for all the times you dragged me to public places against my will. I guess it did help me" Harvey said. I felt my cheeks getting hot at his compliment.

"No problem mate. What ride should we go on?" I asked.

"That one" Harvey immediately replied, pointing at a big roller-coaster with loads of loops.

"Are you sure you wanna do that?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah. Are you scared?" Harvey teased.

I guess I was a little scared of roller-coasters, I was always afraid to lose things during the ride, things like my phone slipping out of my pocket because of the sudden drops and stops.

"No I'm not! But look, that guy over there is puking, and he just left the ride" I remarked pointing at a man vomiting in a bin.

Harvey looked grossed out for a second, then smiled. "Nope I still want to do it" He said.

"Can't we pick another ride?" I whined.

"Please? I'll buy you a slushy if you ride it with me" Harvey said, making puppy eyes.

"Fine. But you stick to your promise" I laughed.

"Bribing always works" Harvey winked at me.

The ride started relatively slow and for a brief moment I thought it could've been enjoyable. Brief being the key-word in that sentence.

After less than three seconds the carriage drove over a special part of the track, making it speed up a million times.

I clenched my pockets to make sure nothing could fall out, but because of that I couldn't keep my body steady so in every sharp turn the roller-coaster took my head bounced around in the seat like a pinball. And if it wasn't bad enough, the ride did the track TWICE!

I looked over at Harvey as the carriage prepared for the second ride. The whole ride trough he made howling noises of pleasure every looping, having a madman smile plastered on his face. What an adrenaline kicker!

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