Chapter 35

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 Rye's P. O. V.

"Here you go ladies" I said with a friendly smile as I handed a group of teenage girls their food. They were a few years younger than me, but I heard them whisper a few things like "he's so hot" or "did you see that cute smile?". I winked at them before moving on to the next order.

I had a pretty long shift today, because it was saturday, and one of my coworkers called in sick today. I didn't really mind a longer shift anyway. It meant I'd get paid more, wich was something I really needed. And being out of the Tokyo Hotel was always good.

I picked up some empty plates from another table and walked into the kitchen again. "Table seven has been served" I told the chef, an assertive young woman by the name of Chloe.

"Good, put the plates next to the sink okay" Chloe said, pointing at the sink. "oh by the way Ryan you're being very productive today. Keep it up" she added, before I left the kitchen again.

I nodded gratefully and picked up the noteblock again to get the next order. I went over every table to see if there were any new customers.

And there were... Two people that I had missed so much yet dreaded seeing again.

My parents.

I looked around the restaurant, there was no other table needing service right now, and I was the only waiting today, since I was covering my coworkers' shift.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and walked up to them. I saw their expressions change to disgust as they saw me approach. "Hi, welcome to Willy's Wet Wellies can I get your order" I murmured almost inaudibly, keeping my eyes firmly on my notblock, not wanting to meet their cold eyes.

"Yes" my mother spoke. "We would like a different waiter" she pronounced every word with care to make it sound as clear as possible. She could've stabbed me with a knife and it would've hurt less.

"I'll see what I can do" I mumbled, my voice cracking as I left to the kitchen.

"You got a new order Ryan?" Chloe asked as I entered the kitchen.

"No but... Can somebody else wait table five please?" I asked, trying not to sound desperate.

"Well there aren't any other waiters today so I'm afraid you'll have to" Chloe replied, looking up from the leek she was chopping . She must've noticed I was upset, because she asked.

"Do you have a personal issue with one of the guests?" her voice sounded soft and careful.

I inhaled deeply and replied. "My parents... Who kicked me out... Because I'm gay..." I sighed.

Chloe's expression softened. She left the dish she was preparing and walked up to me. "Listen, if they like it or not you are their waiter for the day, if they hurt you, I'll get the manager to send them out, okay?" she said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I nodded quietly. "Don't let 'em get to you allright. You can do this" she gave me a reassuring smile and rushed back to the kitchen, checking if she didn't burn anything.

She was right, I had to be stronger than them. I Inhaled sharply and walked out of the kitchen again, promising myself to hold strong against my parents.

"I am the only waiter serving today, unless you like to come back at seven o' clock you will be greeted by my coworker. Now, can I get your order" I said, rambling it all in one go.

My mother appeared taken aback, you could say offended. My dad looked rather suprised, not knowing how to react.

When neither replied, I continued. "Don't worry, I won't sprinkle my sexuality onto your food"

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