She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not

Start from the beginning

Jared stares at Jensen in confusion.

"Like, she actually has feelings for you?" He questions

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"Like, she actually has feelings for you?" He questions.

Jensen shrugs his shoulders.

"She said she did when her marriage was falling apart...but then started to go away when they started fixing things. But things were being fixed that night she was dying so I don't know." Jensen sighs.

Jared gives Jensen a sympathetic smile.

"I'm sorry man, I know how hard it's been for you to keep it all in just to be friends with her...the She springs this on you." Jared says.

Jensen nods, staring in a space.

"What are you gonna do?" Jared asks.

"Honestly? I don't know, I don't know whether to pretend it never happened or cut ties." Jensen shrugs his shoulders.

Jared raises his eyebrows.

"Cut ties with her? Come on man, you don't mean that." He says.

"I do, I've put my feelings aside for this friendship long enough. I even put my life on the line for her...twice, to get her back to her husband. I was completely fine, then she tells me she loves me? I can't keep pretending I'm not in love with this woman." Jensen says with a straight face.

" Jensen says with a straight face

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Allison has just finished getting ready for this photo shoot, Prince was sitting in a chair watching everyone get her ready. Stealing glances from her every now and then.

Allison finally gets behind the camera and starts.

Allison finally gets behind the camera and starts

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