The Tonight Show Starring Prince & Jerome

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*Allison's POV*

Two Weeks Later...

It's been two weeks since everything has happened, I'm still struggling and coming to terms with it. But having Prince around has really helped me, I know we're in a weird place and he wants to talk things out but the fact he hasn't asked once about it since the day he came over and I broke down in front of him telling him my Mother passed away has really changed how I feel about him...maybe he's not so bad after all.

Speaking of the Purple dwarf...

"Hello?" I answer the phone.

"Good morning. I just wanted to check on you, with the funeral being yesterday and all." I hear that familiar deep voice on the other end greet me.

"I'm okay, I'm managing." I say.

"I thought you'd give me that response, which is a total lie...which is why I'm organising dinner reservations for us tonight. You need to get out, and some nutrition in your body." Prince says.

I scoff.

"Dinner reservations? Where?" I ask.

"Jerome suggested a nice place, its called Bronx. He's coming too." He admits.

I roll my eyes, a night with the village idiots of Minneapolis? This should be interesting.

"He's coming too? Why can't it just be us two?" I ask.

Prince chuckles on the other end then sighs.

"Aww I know you want it to be just us and I want that too, but it's such a nice restaurant! And Jerome knows the owner, he said he could get us in if he could come along." He tells.

I sigh, oh well. This will give me the chance to get to know Jerome better.

"Oh alright, fine. What time?" I cave.

"At eight, but don't worry I'll come get you. Then after dinner it's just me and you." He reassures me.

"Okay good." I say.

I can practically feel him smirk on the other end.

"See you at eight, Mama." He says before hanging up.

My head drops on the desk, I need to mentally prepare myself for this.


Prince's driver drops me off at the restaurant, I get out of the car and look at the building. Wow, this place is nice. It's got that French feel and it's huge! I look a little to my left and see Prince and Jerome standing there talking.

I make my way over to them, they both look up at me and smile

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I make my way over to them, they both look up at me and smile.

"Wow." Prince whistles.

I smile and he twirls me around. Jerome looks me up and down while I look at him.

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