She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not

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*Author's POV*

The following day after Prince's show, everyone had their own things to do. Jared and Jensen has some press today, but Jensen was distracted and Jared took notice. Waiting for an opportunity to ask about it. Allison on the other hand, had a photo shoot which Prince is tagging along with whether she likes it or not.

"Why do you insist on coming?" Allison furrows her brows.

"Because, I wanna see my sexy wife in action." Prince smirks.

Allison smirks back.

"Tell me the truth." She says.

"Okay fine, I'm getting payback for what you did to me last photo shoot I had." He mumbles.

Allison chuckles, shaking her head.

"You can't just let things go, huh?" She asks.

Prince scoffs.

"You were standing so weirdly close behind the camera man, making the most odd faces. I didn't think your eyes could cross like that by the way." Prince scrunches up his nose.

Allison smiles proudly.

"I'm a woman of many talents." She sighs.

He laughs, putting on his jacket.

"Clearly, some of your talents impress me but most of them scare me." He admits.

"Oh? Like what?" She asks, crossing her arms over her chest.

Prince squints his eyes at her as he buttons up his jacket.

"Nice try, I'm not giving you any ideas for anymore of your pranks." He says.

Allison shrugs her shoulders.

"Like I tell the crew and cast on the Supernatural I prank you or physically harm you, it's because I like you." She shrugs.

Prince shakes his head in disbelief.

"That's fucked up." He says.

She laughs as she walks up to him and places a soft kiss on his lips.

"And yet you're still married to me, amazing right?" She winks at him.

"I've just learnt how to put up with you over the years." Prince mumbles to himself, so he thought anyway.

Allison turns to look at him.

"Excuse me?" She asks.

His eyes widen before he chuckles nervously.

"I mean...I've grown to love you more over the years." He says.

"And you're just a growing pain in my ass." Allison glares at him.

On The Supernatural Set...

Jared and Jensen had just finishing press, Jared was using this peace and quiet to ask Jensen what's got him so out of it.

"Hey, dude what's going on?" Jared asks.

Jensen looks up at him.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"You've been distracted all to me." He sighs.

Jensen rubs his temples before turning his attention back to Jared.

"I spoke to her." He admits.

"And? How did it go?" Jared asks.

"I was right, she did say 'I love you'..." Jensen says.

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