Separation Anxiety

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*Prince's POV*

One Month Later...

I stayed with Allison for a week in Vancouver, I thought I would be there a lot longer but I got a call to do some shows around Minnesota then had to go to Los Angeles for more shows so I haven't seen her for a month. I'm expected to go to San Francisco next for some events there in regards to my latest album, but I'm putting a delay on that. Not seeing Allison is driving me up the wall, this phone crap is getting old. I did tell her last night that I was going straight to San Francisco this morning, little did she know...

I look over at Tony who's resting in a chair beside me, he's fanning himself with a magazine.

"Yo, when is the plane ready?" I ask him.

Tony opens his eyes and gives me an unamused look.

"It's ready when it's ready, don't worry man. You'll see her. It's not like she's gonna run away, she's got a whole season to film." Tony sighs.

I sigh, rubbing my temples.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just hate being so far away from her. Would it be weird for me to say I'm missing her insults?" I ask, staring in a space.

"Yes, you need help if you ask that out loud...and holy water." Tony scoffs.

I chuckle, a guard walks in.

"The plane is ready." He says.

Tony and I nod, getting up. The rest of the crew join us as we all board the plane, they all slump in their seats releasing sighs of relief as they get comfortable and ready to sleep the whole the flight. But not me, I'm preparing in my head how I'm going to surprise Allison.

I need to figure out where she'll be when I get there, I've got one of the cast members phone numbers so I can call needs to be perfect.

*Allison's POV*

We just wrapped up filming for now, taking a break. I grab some water and hydrate, that's one thing I don't like having a lot of lines, speaking for too long then your throats gets dry.

Dylan walks up to me with a magazine in his hand, like a giddy teenage girl.

"Looks like that husband of yours is having the time of his life!" He exclaims while showing me pictures.

"Looks like that husband of yours is having the time of his life!" He exclaims while showing me pictures

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