Prince Charming

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*Prince's POV*

The Next Day...

I was sitting in my office at Paisley Park, running last nights events through my head. She's good, I need to try harder. Not to brag but it's rare for a woman to act like that towards me, usually they're throwing themselves at me. But this one? She makes any attempt to run away from me, I'll get her though.

I chuckle at the thought of her thinking I've left her alone, ooh is she wrong. I go up to my bedroom and pace back and forth, thinking of a way to really get her onto tonight's show. I smirk, looking at myself in the mirror.

"Oh Allison, I'll get you don't you worry." I say to myself.

I hear a knock on the door and turn my head into that direction.

"Come in." I call.

Jerome walks into my office, sitting in the chair across from me.

"Wooh! Last night was pretty wild, huh?" Jerome asks.

"It sure was, I think last night was a great show." I nod.

"Hell yeah it was! What did Allison think?" He asks me.

I smirk, remembering our conversation after the show.

"She tried to tell me she didn't like it, but I got her to crack and tell me the truth." I admit.

"But I'm guessing she still said no to working with you?" Jerome asks rhetorically.

"Yep. But I'll convince her, I have my ways. Sure she's a great artist and does brilliantly on her own but...I think she should let people work with her here and there. I don't care about popularity, I just genuinely wanna make some music with her." I explain.

Jerome scoffs, crossing his arms.

"What are you gonna do to convince her? Use your purply Prince charms?" Jerome asks mocking my voice.

I raise an eyebrow at him, I don't sound like that.

"No, you bafoon. I was thinking about asking her to come to tonight's show and giving her a little surprise." I smirk.

Jerome furrows his brows.

"What? I'm not following." He says.

"She claims she doesn't know my music very well but she knows "A Love Bizarre" like the back of her hand. I'll pull her out and get her to sing with me, once she sees how great we perform together she'll say yes." I explain with a smile.

Jerome takes in my plan, nodding.

"Mhm, interesting. What if she still says no?" He asks.

"Don't worry, I have a plan B." I smirk.

I get up and leave my office, throwing on my jacket. Heading for the door, I jump into my limo, looking up at my driver.

"Let's go." I nod.

About twenty minutes later we pull up to a very extravagant home, I get out and look around. It's beautiful out here, along the beach. I smile, she likes the beach huh?

I walk up to the front door, the front door already opening before I reach the door. I smile while looking up at the person I've been dying to see.

 I smile while looking up at the person I've been dying to see

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Under The Cherry Moon {A Prince Fanfiction}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin