Reverse's Death

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                                                           ~Reverse's Segment~

I don't remember..the details so much..But I remember the Pain. I was only 17.. I was in my  cell, realizing how much i was dying each day, let alone my scars.. All i know is that Pitch trudged in and yanked me up by my arm, and slammed me against the wall, and I yelped. He whispered," I need you forever...but to feel pain..." His hand rubs my bruised thigh. My ears drop to the sides of my head. Then...I remember...just...the noise of crushing spine limbs....being torn off.  I remember the long cold metal bar, being forced down my throat, and it splitting my neck open, and how pitch forced me to drink my own blood and guts. he healed me a couple times, and repeated this. 

Then at one point, he made me shoot myself.....And then i woke up..Immortal...Every new wound automatically turned into a scar. I didnt have organs.....i didnt have veins...but produced blood and tears for pitch's enjoyment....

But at the end of the day..he brushes my hair and whispers," Good girl~"

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