Mags Syvertsen's Death

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RainStorm, Elliot, and River Syvertsen grunt as they grabbed there younger brothers, Mustard and Crackers Syvertsen. The 2 little cats had just woken up and were yawning.. An all blonde one, mustard, spoke,"wh-whats goin' on?" He said in a rich Australian accent. Elliot, the middle male in the family, who was a dark cat spoke," The Flame Keepers are here!" 

It was the year 2003, in the Terra's dimension. It was caught on fire and everyone was losing there heads.... some literal... The Terra's were the specie of power who could shapeshift and speak to animals, as well as understand any language....They were cats, that were Australian. The only specie to be a Terra.

The male cats all ran down through the field, reaching a plantation and a house.  They all run in . Rainstorm (Rain) , yelled," MUM!!" A blonde cat with blue air appeared, holding to baby twins," I know!! i know!! there coming!!" Elliot and River jumped up," were holding the doors down!" They both ran. Rain helped Mustard and crackers get into some good clothes while there mother tended to the two baby girls.. One was a dark one resembling Elliot, and giggled. The other one was a light one, resembling the others and she was smiling. 

They were both 3 years old. the dark one's name was Elysia (Elijah: pronounced) Marie...

And the lighter one was named Elise Marie...

The two were quiet, making small squeals. There mother was hushing them sadly, and trying to find a way out of the house. There was a banging as the house shook and muffled yells erupted. Elliot and River were grunting, keeping the door in place. Then a voice spoke," Burn the place down..." The mother's eyes widen, and she yells to Rain," GET THE BOYS OUTTA HERE!!" RainStorm hesitates," B-but m-mum!" The mother gave a look... Rain nodded sadly, and turned into a falcon, and the boys did too, and they flew out of the window. The woman ran out of the back door of the house and continued running with her babies. 

It was until she turned into a wolf and carried her babies in a basket. The growled quietly, hearing a young man's voice," Mags!" The wolf turned and snarled, turning back into a cat. It was her ex-boyfriend, a Flame Keeper known as Michael Afton.. They kept in touch as friends, but after him and his kind going after her kind and destroying her home, enslaving her people...she hated him..

"Wow..look at you, Mags...still a bartender? or did you settle with the loser? ha!"

Mags wasn't amused. Her husband...well, boyfriend, left her with there sons after The twins were born.. Mags growled," Shut up Mike!" The tall, blonde rabbit chuckled and walked over. "we ran into and Selena..a year ago, when we had our children.." Mags growled,"okay..and...?"

Michael laughed slightly, "you make me laugh.." he studies the sleeping children and walks closer, and Mags feels the heat in his body.... She gasped and pulled them closer. Michael growls lightly and automatically rips the basket away, shaking the children awake.. Mags gasps,"Michael!! No!! please!" She ran to get her children, and managed to grab Elysia. Elise stared at her sister. Michael growled and grabbed Elise by the back of her neck making her squeal," PUT THE CHILD DOWN OR I'LL KILL IT!!"  Mags was crying as she set Elysia down. 

Michael's teeth glitter as he throws the child against a rock, making it knock out. Blood dripped from the back of Elise's head, which would soon need stitches. Mags screamed and ran at Michael, pounding her fists on his chest, which had no effect,' you monster!!" Michael's eyes burned a flame," Well, your kind is a terrible specie..from HELL." And then his hand caught on fire, and socked her stomach, making  her erupt in flames, until nothing remained but ashes....

Elysia saw it all..

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