|18.i like her|

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the ambulance arrived and wyatt came rushing into the bathroom again. in her state of crying and punching me, veronica had passed out. wyatt and i tried to get her to the paramedics quickly, i know i was mad at her, but why would she do this?

they only let one of us ride with her, and i went ahead and let wyatt go. he was her best friend after all, and after seeing his state i had to let him be with her. after they left i picked up the blade from the hallway and threw it in the trash.

tears were still streaming and they kept coming when i walked back into the bathroom and saw the scene. i went to the counter to clean up the pills first and saw a neatly folded piece of paper.

a suicide note.

which means she definitely wasn't planning to stop. i couldn't bring myself to read it alone and stuffed it in my pocket. just then the reality hit me, that not only could i have lost her forever, but there's still a chance she's going to die.

the ambulance people had given me her phone as they took it off of her before rushing off. i couldn't get into it because i didn't know her password, so i set it down and reluctantly starting cleaning up the blood.

i heard the front door slam and keys clash with the kitchen counter. "wyatt! jaeden! veronica!" i heard wyatt's mom yell as she clambered up the stairs. i saw her from the end of the hallway and even though she was so far, she saw how much of a mess i was.

"jaeden!" she yelled and ran down to me in the bathroom, "i saw an ambulance on my way back, are you okay? where's wyatt and veronica?" she was too distracted at first to realize i was cleaning up blood, but as soon as she saw it she gasped.

"oh my god.." she muttered, "what happened?" she cupped my face and turned me side to side, looking for scratches or marks. i cried more and collapsed completely. "jaeden, talk to me! tell. me. what. happened."

i was tempted to just give her the note so i wouldn't have to explain it myself, but i kept it and tried to choke out words. "veronica tried to kill herself," i finally said.

"dear lord," she said, "where's wyatt?"

"he went with," i said and put my hands over my eyes, "it's all our faults."

"no..no," she said and brought me to a hug, "she loves you, it wouldn't be your fault."

"wyatt and i.. we were mad at her because her and finn kissed and they didn't tell us," i sobbed and she listened, "which is such a stupid reason."

wyatt's mom saw her pills on the counter and then looked back to me, "if she tried to overdose, then why's there blood?" she asked confused.

i let out a huge sob, "she took pills, but when i walked in she was trying to..trying to-"

"trying to what, honey?" she asked and stroked my hair to calm me down.

i couldn't say it so i just pointed to the trash can where i threw it away. she got up and looked in, "oh." was all she said. suddenly leant down to the cabinet and swung it open. she saw the remaining packages and threw them out viciously. then she threw them in the trash and grabbed the bag, "get up, we're going to go to the hospital."

she left the bathroom and went downstairs. i followed after finally getting myself up. when we were outside she threw the bathroom bag in the larger trash can and unlocked her car. it was a silent ride, besides my sobs.

i decided to text finn and update him on the situation. at least it'd be easier to explain over text where i won't be choking on a cry every five seconds.

i'm glad i met you- jaeden lieberherWhere stories live. Discover now