Possibly The End. For Now

Start from the beginning

"Oh, tell Sensei me and Midoriya needs to go back." Tsuyu puts a finger against her chin. "Ribbit. What for?" Izuku noticed that Shoto was slowly running out of patience as he slowly turns back to the two female. "Midoriya's mother is ill. He wanted me to accompany him. Right, Midoriya?" Izuku nodded, trying to act worried. "Y-Yes! We don't have much time! Please tell Aizawa Sensei that we're deeply sorry for skipping classes!" Mina has a worried look plastered over her face, so did Tsuyu. "No worries! Please tell your mom that all of us are wishing her a speedy recovery!" Mina exclaimed, before running the stairs. Tsuyu waved at them as she calmy follows Mina from behind.   

Shoto let out a tch as he starts walking out the door. "Come on, Izuku. Stop wasting my time. I'm tired of everyone's shit." Izuku was taken back by the sudden outburst. He sighs as he quickly follows Shoto from behind. Both of them walked in silence. Izuku was shaking. He was following a psychopath. He might be falling into his doom as well. This is all for Bakugou though. Izuku was, determined to save his childhood rival. A hero is willing to sacrifice themselves for others. Izuku wants to be a hero. His mind was filled with thoughts. The possibilities was endless. Shoto turns around staring at Izuku. "Hello? Midoriya?" Izuku snaps back to the cruel and cold reality. "Yes, Todoroki?" Shoto points to the opened door. It seems like Shoto already inputted the code in. "Thank you, Todoroki-Kun!" Izuku smiles softly as he slowly took a step in. Shoto felt his heart shaking. He felt butterflies in his stomach. There was that feeling again, that feeling that he never felt before. "Midoriaya.." Shoto places a hand on his own chest. This feeling was warm. Only that little green haired male could make Shoto feel that way. Shoto wants to cherish this feeling. This warmth. Something he never felt in his life. It was like Izuku Midoriya melted the frost off of his heart. Shoto was day dreaming before blinking a few times. Yes, Shoto wants this feeling to last forever.

Shoto stares at the cute male. He was staring at his shoe, how cute. Shoto's eyes saddened. He was slowly becoming human, once again. His actions was not helping anything. He made Izuku scared of him. He was the cause of Katsuki Bakugou's disappearance. He was only causing chaos. He was making his true love afraid of him. Shoto flinches at the thought. The terror in Izuku's eyes when he makes contact with Shoto. Or even sees Shoto. Shoto was slowly losing it. He couldn't imagine a life without Izuku. The jealousy was impossible to contain. Shoto needs him. He slowly started to head to his room, signaling Izuku to follow. There was no point throwing a pity party for himself. His actions was all in the past. He can't take it back. Shoto went into his room, triggering the switch. By pulling on one of the books. It was totally cliche. Shoto pointed at the stairs that lead to darkness. It felt like the stairs to hell, to Izuku. It was. Izuku looks at Shoto with big horrified eyes. "Todoroki-Kun.." Shoto's voice softened, he doesn't want Izuku to be afraid of him, not anymore.  "I won't lock you down there." Shoto understands why Izuku wouldn't trust him, not anymore. But just this once. He needs Izuku's trust. He gently held Izuku's hand within his. He places Izuku's hand on his own chest. "Do you trust me?" Shoto's eyes was staring deep into Izuku's. "Answer me. Truthfully." Izuku went silent.

Izuku nodded. His hand softly leaning against Shoto's chest. He could feel his muscles through his thin white uniform. Izuku slowly moves his hand away from Shoto's chest. Slowly taking a deep breath, he went down the stairs. He was doing this for his rival. No, his friend. Each step Izuku took, it'll echo throughout the basement eerily. It was pitch black, but a small light bulb could be seen hanging from the ceiling. Shoto could only look down on Izuku as he enters. His black and blue eyes, was lost. The brightness he used to have whenever Izuku was around, faded. He was only causing problems for his love. He bitterly turns away, the pain was too much to bear. His eyes shows no emotions, his body was almost limp. Izuku looks around, cautiously. The light was dim, the small room was gloomy. But there he was, Bakugou. Izuku nearly felt tears rolling down his cheeks. Bakugou seems unharmed, just really hungry. And thirsty. Izuku hugs Bakugou out of happiness. "Kacchan! You're okay" Bakugou was still half awake. He was surprised by the sudden hug.

"Fuck...Deku?" Bakugou slowly raises his head, he opened his eyes. Seeing someone after what seemed like century, felt fucking amazing. Bakugou let out a sigh of relief, still not grasping the fact that it was Midoriya. "Kacchan! I-I'll free you!"Izuku desperately tried to free Katsuki. Unfortunately, there was a chain lock hanging off of the rope. It was binding everything together. It was impossible for a quirkless, no. It was impossible if the person's quirk was not destructive, super strength or anything to melt the metal off? Plus, Katsuki was drugged. Izuku was trying to shake the chain loose, it wouldn't budge. If Izuku used his quirk, he'll definitely hurt Katsuki. Wait! If Izuku could just try to crush the lock off with his hand. Or leg. Izuku took a deep breath before holding the lock the palm of his hand. He slowly started to apply force, small green coloured sparks started to emit from Izuku's hand. Before he knew it, he felt a sudden force of heat touching his back. "I don't remember giving you permission to free him." Shoto's left hand rested again Izuku's back. He could turn Izuku to dust, right there and now. Izuku gulped his saliva down as Katsuki glared at Shoto. "If you hurt Deku, I'll fucking kill you." Shoto's lip slowly formed into a wicked smile. "I...I'll ask you a question. Will you hurt the person you love the most?" Katsuki was confused by the sudden question. "I love Izuku Midoriya with all my might. Did you foolishly assume that I will harm him?" Katsuki rolled his eyes as a sweatdrop rolled down Izuku's cheek. "A psychopath like you? Yeah. Definitely." Shoto was annoyed. He started to move his hand away from Izuku's back. He started walking torwards Katsuki. "Must I teach poor Bakugou a lesson?" Izuku could finally breath as Shoto took his hand away, but shortly soon after. He was shocked, he started walking torwards Shoto. Hugging him from behind. 

"Todoroki! Please, stop!" Izuku's tears finally started to form. "This isn't like you! This isn't the person I love!" Shoto's heart started to throb in pain. 'This isn't the person I love!' That sentence. Rang throughout Shoto's head, his mind. Was this all for nothing? Did Izuku loved him from the very beginning? Did Shoto messed everything up? "No..No...NO." He pushes Izuku off of him. Izuku landed on the hard ground. Katsuki started to realized that Shoto was near his breakdown. "Deku. RUN!" Izuku didn't know what to do, he didn't want to leave Katsuki down here with Shoto. But, he didn't want Shoto to lose control. "Katsuki yelled. "PLEASE. RUN. I BEG OF YOU, DEKU!" Katsuki pleaded. A sinister smirk grew on Shoto's smirk. He pulled out a pistol from his school's pants pocket. He turns to face the terrified Izuku that was on the ground. Izuku felt terrified, no. Terrified was an understatement. This feeling. This despair. Shoto pointed the gun at Izuku. "The little sheep has been caught." 


Author's note

Please read me! OWO

Word count:2000 something something

This- is quite a long series. I'll make a second season or something if you guys really want that shitty quality fanfic story thing. So uh, listening to music that suits the story really gets me in the mood. It makes me feel the emotions that the characters is displaying. Sadness, jealousy etc etc

Uhm uhm. I just need your opinion on my writing skill. Criticism is happily accepted. My writing skill or style. I don't mind. Oh, I wrote this chapter using a laptop. Is it better than my other chapters which was written from my phone? Yes, I am more skilled with typing when it comes to laptop. It improves my spelling skills as well as I don't rely on autocorrect. 

I haven't hit ya'll with a huge cliffhanger, so enjoy this one. HEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHHE.

I love every one of ya'll's support. It really does keep me going. Knowing that there's someone that enjoys my stories. That it makes their day. It's a truly amazing feeling. I love you, if you're reading this. Thank you for sticking with me through this journey. Please stay tune for another one. For now. Farewell.

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