Chapter 5

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Izuku clearly seemed hesitant to talk about Katsuki, I mean, he didn't want to put Katsuki in a bad light. More than Katsuki had already shown anyways. Everyone knew he had temperamental issues and was really cocky and disrespectful.  Izuku knew though, that Katsuki wasn't all just that. Even though he had a really dislikeable personality, he was charming at the same time. Izuku began to look down on the ground as he thought about how to word his words carefully. He knew that in a way, Shoto doesn't really like Katsuki. Well, at the same time he didn't know how Shoto really feels. He doesn't seem put off by Katsuki, but earlier he put him down. Why? Izuku began to spoke, his words careful yet slow. Shoto caught on quickly that Izuku didn't want to say anything mean. Shoto could care less, but he was quite irritated that Izuku was still looking out for that asshole after everything he had done to Izuku. Shoto simply assumed that Izuku doesn't trust Shoto that much to really show his true opinions. It disheartened Shoto. 

"Kacchan is one of a kind. He's unpredictable but predictable at the same time. I . .  I think something is wrong with Kacchan. He doesn't usually act like this, so unsure . . I didn't know that he was waiting for me outside, at all. Did you know, Shoto? D-Do you think that Kacchan wanted to actually walk to school with me? I think It's too much of a stretch, but he doesn't usually take this way to go to school."

Izuku looked onto the ground, his round eyes full of uncertainty, yet hope at the same time as well. Shoto was silent. What was this fuckery he was listening to? He knew that Katsuki had actually planned to meet up with Izuku to walk to school with him, hence why he was standing awkwardly on the pathway like that. Shoto didn't expect Izuku to catch onto Katsuki's meaning behind his actions that quickly. It showed how close they truly were. It basically showcased how well they knew each other, how well Izuku knows Katsuki. It made Shoto sad. It made him feel bitter. He needed to do something about this. He didn't want to gaslight Izuku, but he really had no other choice. He felt somewhat upset, but he didn't want to show it for now. He bit his lower lip. his eyes narrowing, before speaking up.

"Is that so? Well, I can't really say this since I don't know Bakugou that well, but from being classmates with him, I do have a formed opinion. I doubt Katsuki really came here for you. He was probably waiting for someone else. Anyone else other than you. Because you're not important to him. He hates you, remember?  Stay away from him. All he does is harm you. You deserve better than that, Izuku.."

Shoto said, in the most emotional tone he could muster up. Izuku was taken back, he had never seen Shoto muster that much emotion into his words. He seemed genuinely worried. Shoto was emotional, but in a different form of emotion rather than worry. And if he was worrying, he was worrying for a different reason besides Izuku's mental health. Hell, he was going to take advantage of Izuku's fragile mental health. His insecurities. His weakness. Shoto was pissed off. Why can't he look at him like that? Why can't Izuku talk about him like that? Izuku seemed surprised by how harsh Shoto's words, but Shoto can be brutally honest and raw with his words. 

"You're right . . He hates me. I shouldn't doubt you, huh, Todoroki? Especially when you talk to me like that. I can't just dismiss you. I guess I was wrong about Kacchan staying for me. He did get aggressive with me back there. I'm glad that All Might came right in time conveniently! Don't you, Todoroki-Kun? .. Todoroki?"

Shoto seemed somewhat pleased as Izuku said all of those out loud. The exact words he needed from Izuku to make him all the more happier. The irony of it all was that Shoto wasn't being brutally honest and raw. He was brutally lying in a disgusting manipulative manner. Possibly hurting a friendship with someone, but that was the problem. The friendship could blossom into a relationship. He didn't want that. Izuku was all that he wanted in this world. All he wants in this sick cruel twisted world was him. Midoriya Izuku. Shoto took a deep breath, quickly hiding his sly grin as he took Izuku's wrist. Now feeling somewhat happy and cheered up, he leaned close to Izuku's face, causing the little broccoli to blush by Shoto's sudden actions. Shoto gave him an actual genuine smile as he looked off to a pathway that went elsewhere and completely cut off from the pathway they were currently on. There were plenty of houses still surrounding them, and the pathway Shoto was looking at, was an alleyway that led somewhere. Izuku gently followed Shoto's gaze, noticing the almost abandoned path. 

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