Possibly The End. For Now

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The restroom was quiet, Izuku felt like he did something wrong. "Bakugou? You're asking for him?" Midoriya slowly started to tremble. Obviously, Shoto would take this the wrong way. "Y-Yes! Kacchan is my friend after all!" Shoto started taking a step torwards Midoriya. Each step he took, it'll echo throughout the restroom. "I guess you could say, his... somewhere?" Shoto couldn't control it. He wanted to rub the salt in Bakugou's wound. Showing him that Izuku is his. Izuku only loves him. "Well, if you behave. You'll see Bakugou. Dead or alive." Izuku's eyes widened. "You didn't kill him! Right..?" Shoto leaned against the wall, smirking at Izuku. He felt like playing with Izuku, just for awhile. "Bet." Izuku gritted his teeth. Staring at Shoto. "WHERE IS HE?!" Shoto gave an annoyed glare at Izuku.

"Ugh, if you'll just shut up for a minute. Once we're married, I don't want any loud noises. Except if it's your moans, or your screams? It'll work either way." Izuku was shocked by how corrupted and distorted Shoto was. Could Shoto even be saved? No no no. Shoto needs to be saved. He will be saved. "Anyways, stop mumbling to yourself. I've prepared a surprise for you. And it insists of your so called precious Kacchan." Izuku doesn't like where this is going.

He held his head up high. All Might always says to never give up. He always smiles even when there's danger. Or problems. Izuku started walking torwards Shoto. Determination was written all over his face. Shoto slowly pats Izuku's head. "Now, that's what I wanna see." Shoto reached for his pocket. Taking out his cellphone. He starts to dial a number. Cursing under his breath.

"Shoto? What do you want." The voice boomed out from the phone. "If maybe you learn to control your voice and stop acting like a baby bag bitch. The public might like you." Endeavour let out an annoyed groan. "What the fuck do you want. I don't have time for your emo bullshit." Shoto was disgusted as he frowned at the phone. Wanting to kick him in the balls so he can't reproduce. "This is why everyone prefers All Might over you." Endeavour felt his flames rising up.

"Did you only call me to whip me with your anger? If so, I'll end the call." Shoto rubbed his forehead. He felt a headache coming up. "Look. I've arranged your meetings. It'll last until three am or more. I suggest you rest at a hotel." Endeavour was confused. "Since when did you became my manager?" Shoto let out a sinister smile. "Your manager was.. sick today. So to save any troubles, I took over his place. Temporarily of course."

Endeavour got up from his office chair. He was currently in his office, he scanned the room. "If he was sick, he should have informed me. Not you." Endeavour started walking away from his desk, going torwards a bookshelf. "Probably a mistake. Don't bother calling him. He probably won't answer, his quite sick." Shoto hang up on Endeavour.

There was nothing to discuss about with that trash. He rubbed his palms together, turning around to face the horrified Izuku. "Sorry about the inconvenience. I can't afford for that burning asshole to come in and ruin everything. I've been planning this, for sometime afterall." Izuku nervously approach Shoto. "What did you do with his manager?" Shoto's expression wasn't clear. Not to Izuku that is. He shrugged.

"He should be thankful that he'll be alive to experience something wonderful." Shoto started walking while dialing another number. Izuku timidly follows from behind. "God, there's so many things that I need to dispose off." Shoto said, casually. "What do you mean?" Shoto turned around with a bright pure smile. "The people that I use, to get this far!" Izuku flinched. Shoto is gone. Unless, this is really him. The Shoto that Izuku knows was probably a mask. "Y-You call them... things?"

Shoto nodded proudly, as he slowly frowned at his phone. The person that he was dialing wasn't picking up. "Great. Just great." Shoto roughly shoves his phone back into his pocket. Picking up the pace. "Hurry Midoriya. You want to see Bakugou. Right?" Izuku slowly nodded, trying to match Shoto's speed. Without saying a word, Shoto went out through the main entrance and accidentally bumps into Mina and Tsuyu. "Todoroki? What are you doing? Classes are starting!" Shoto put back his emotionless face as he turned to face Izuku.

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