Chapter 9

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Izuku hesitantly approached the sudden hole in the wall in the shape of a doorway, except with no doors in sight. It smelled pretty musty down there, mainly because it has been in the dark for how long? Who knows. Izuku peered in from above, too afraid to approach it yet. He was cautious, who would want to enter something such as this all of a sudden? It was basically screaming danger at the top of it's nonexistent lungs! Izuku gulped his saliva down softly, still stuck in place, his hands still in the position on how he held his book before it felt, beads of sweats falling down his forehead, his cheek, his chin. What was this? Should he call Shoto?

He had a gut feeling that he shouldn't inform of Shoto of what this was. He .. felt like if he did, something would have gone bad. Why would he felt endangered in his classmate's house? Mainly because there was a weird looking stairs that led downwards and only down, like some sort of basement was down there. And it was hidden, it seemed that the book that Izuku had coincidentally picked up was the trigger or switch to open up the secret room or whatever the hell it was at this point.

Izuku was scared, his eyes fell down at the book that had fallen, it was now opened, revealing the contents inside it. It seemed like every normal book ever though, it really did. He bent over slowly, picking up the book as he held it in both hands firmly as if it was going to fly away, escape from him or possibly attack him. He quickly ran his fingers through the page, quickly flickering through the pages as if he wanted to find some sort of explanation for this. Everything seemed normal. It was a book about the criminally deranged. It wasn't odd for someone who was taking the hero's course to take such books, so Izuku wasn't exactly suspicious of Shoto for having it. Criminology was kinda part of their training, they were hunting down villains, genuine criminals, that are far more dangerous than the world had to face for the past decade.

Izuku slowly took another book out from the bookshelf, making sure that this was the specific book that triggered the wall to close on itself like that, revealing the steps leading downwards into a deep dark pit of darkness itself. It was. Nothing happened when he took the other books out, so he looked at the place where he had taken the book out from. There was a rather clever switch that was hidden, Izuku could have overlooked it!

He wondered why he was snooping so intensely in Shoto's room, maybe he's been watching too many horror movies where the best friend turns out to live a double life as a murderer and as an obsessive person. It's not like Shoto will get mad at him, right? It was an accidental find. He placed both of the books where it rightfully belonged, before taking his phone out. He was going to find out once and for all. He could have easily left it the way it was and simply explained to Shoto what happened and find out from the person himself.

Izuku had a gut feeling that, that would not be such a good idea after all.

Why? He couldn't quite explain it.. Shoto has only ever been nice and inviting in his home and Izuku was intruding just like that with assumptions. He felt bad, but that wouldn't stop him. He took his phone out, turning on the flashlight features that most or all phones usually have. He faced his phone at the opening of the sudden weird entrance, looking at the stairs as he soon approached it carefully. He shone his phone down at the stairs, the stairs really went down deep that even his phone couldn't capture or reach all the way at the end of the stairs for Izuku to see what was going on exactly. He groaned. How long was this stairs anyways? Is this the stairway to hell or something?

He took a step down, just that small silent step echoed throughout and down the stairs like it was luring him down using his own movements or something. Izuku's hands were shaking as he held onto the wall for support just in case he could slip or anything.

He bit his lower lips, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked side to side down at the stairs that seems to go on forever. He was about to take another step before, hearing Shoto's voice.

Izuku! I'm done!”

Oh god. Oh no. Fuck. Izuku immediately gasped and turned around, scrambling to get out as he landed on his knees, tripping over as his hand reached the room's floor. He huffed, pulling himself up as he looked anywhere to pull the switch, anywhere to make the wall go back to normal.

Izuku? Are you okay?”

God, was the thud that fucking loud?! Izuku immediately went on his feet, running towards the bookshelf as his hand reached in-between the book he had picked up earlier, before using his fingers to try and flip the switch.

“I'm coming in.”

Shoto twisted the doorknob, and before he could open it all the way, Izuku managed to flip the switch and the wall immediately snapped into place seamlessly. Izuku fell down to his knees, breathing heavily as Shoto opened the door fully, seeing Izuku on the floor got him extremely worried.

Izuku?! Are you okay?! What happened!”

Izuku was panting heavily as if he did an Olympic run or something, he looked up at the taller male who immediately went towards him, holding onto him to keep him from fainting or vomiting again. Izuku gave a rather dorky smile.

Oops.. I fell..”


Author's note

Word count: 1156

Sangwoo's basement vibe going on LMAOOOOO

Original version

Midoriya POV

I went on my phone and used the flashlight system immediately The flash on my phone was turned on the stairs seams to be leading down I felt a chill running down my spine I waddled towards it and slowly walked downstairs the stairs made a huge creak That startled me

I immediately turned around. I ran back up and put the book back up soon enough the wall went back to it's place I felt uneasy I could hear Todoroki footsteps coming closer

He won't suspect anything right? I immediately thought of a distraction plan I immediately took some of the books and fast and gently place it on the floor.To make it seem like an accident That creak was really loud that I bet his Neighbours heard it

I immediately went on my knees and I turned around when Todoroki Came in "T-todoroki The books fell I'm sorry I put back up right away"  He shooked his head "It's fine I will help as well" We started putting the books back

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