Chapter 12

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Izuku hesitantly nodded, letting Shoto know that he was completely fine with the pain. He couldn't run away from it anyway, so what's the point. He gets extra reaffirmation from Shoto though so that was another good fucking goodie point in the damn bag now. Just because Izuku was now more relaxed than anything, he still had that weird dungeon thing in the back of his mind. What in the world could Shoto possibly have inside there? Down those creepy cemented stairs. He tried not to think about it anyways, not in front of Shoto. He'll think about it when he's home, by himself.

"Sure! Go ahead. I don't mind, of course. It's already good enough that you're on your knees doing this already, Todoroki-Kun.."

Shoto gave a sly smirk to himself as he chuckled. Leaning down as he gently blew on the wound. It was a mere scrape but just the sight of his beloved getting hurt by anything else but him, was something that Shoto hated. Badly. 

"Oh, don't worry, Izuku. I'll do more than just kneeling. Just for you."

The sexual undertones behind his words were just so fucking, it got to Izuku clearly. Shoto tried to make it come off as some sort of sleek 'I'll do anything for you because we're friends' kind of way, but it could so easily be taken in another kind of context if you know what I mean. Izuku blushed intensely, taking a long nervous sip from his iced lemon tea as he looked towards the side instead of down at Shoto. Felt dirty or something. 


Shoto hesitantly placed the cotton-infused alcohol swab on the wound, making Izuku wince slightly as Shoto gently rubbed off the blood using the sterilized swab. He gently blew on it once more, making it dry faster and also soothing the pain. He rubbed away some of the dried blood, already seeing that a blood clot had already happened, causing some dried blood/scab to already form. He took a plaster (band-aids for you American folks), opening the sticky side before gently placing it on the wound itself. He gave it a gentle pat to make sure it was secured properly before standing up instead of crouching. Izuku gave him a gentle smile to assure the other that he wasn't in pain. Not that much anyway. He had finished some of the strawberry wafer rolls, not the chocolate that much which Shoto noticed. 

"Thank you so much, Todoroki!"

Izuku beamed happily, waving his legs front and back a little as it dangled slightly off of the floor as he sat on the side of the island. Shoto simply gave him a soft smile, before noticing that the other had some sort of crumb on his left cheek. He squinted his eyes, making sure that he saw correctly. Just some fine crumbs but it was visible nonetheless. He used his right hand to reach out, gently placing it on the side of Izuku's face as he brushed the crumb away. Izuku was taken back by the sudden kind gesture, so he simply sat there frozen like some sort of loser. He fidgeted with his pants as he rested his hands on his own thighs. Shoto pulled away, noticing some of the crumbs had landed on his thumb. He licked it away, raising his right hand to his mouth. He then leaned against the island next to Izuku, taking his own cup as he took a long sip from it. He seemed rather thirsty as Izuku gently held onto his left cheek using his left hand, almost in disbelief that Shoto had just touched him there. He slowly turned to peek at the other a little.

Shoto was panting slightly from suddenly drinking a cold beverage that fast. He was staring down at his cup, the veins on his hands were quite visible which made Izuku admired it even more. Shoto's chest heaving up and down in this charming way, he seemed to be used to getting cold all of a sudden because of his quirk or whatever. He noticed Izuku staring, and thought he needed to clarify his actions of suddenly touching Izuku's freckled cheeks like that.

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