Chapter 13

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Shoto nodded and slowly began to gather up their bags that they left in his room, Izuku decided to wait by the front door where their shoes were, he sat down tying his shoelaces as Shoto came from behind him, slowly giving him his back as he too, wore his shoes. Izuku shyly walked past the other, having a lot of conflicting feelings towards the other from just in over a span of one hour. Shoto came out last and locked the door, before running his fingers messily through his two-toned hair, the wind breeze plus the action he just committed was like, straight out from a really hot porno magazine Jesus christ. He should be a model or something, Izuku knew that much. Shoto gave him a small nod, slowly opening the gate for Izuku to walk past through, before closing it behind him as he left last. 

"Don't worry, once we reach school grounds I can explain to the teachers that something happened that disoriented us and we got lost. Okay? I won't let you get in trouble for sneaking away with me. Doesn't help that we bumped into All Might though.. but oh well. We took a different route because of traffic or something like that."

Izuku felt, well soft. Shoto was really trying his best to not let the other get in trouble, especially since he's been working so hard on his quirk as his body tried to readjust to his quirk's powers. Shoto was suddenly fixated on his phone though, that Izuku couldn't help but noticed a little as they slowly started their journey to U.A.  

"Wow, thanks, Todoroki-Kun but I really don't want you getting in trouble for me, I also committed to it even though I knew the consequences, I'm not just going to let you snitch on yourself like that! I'm not going to be a coward and owe up to it as well if they put some sort of punishment on you."

Shoto looked up from his phone, taking a moment to glance at the green-haired boy as if he was some sort of fresh air in his life. Which, he was. He suddenly stopped texting, which was weird because Shoto seemed to have been taking whoever he was conversing with, seriously. Based on the way he frowned to himself on his phone screen, the way he took some time before he began tapping against the glass-like screen. When Shoto took a small breather from his vigorous conversation, he simply gave a small smile towards Izuku.

"Your loyalty is one of the many things I like about you, Izuku."

Shoto softly said, as if he was truly admiring the smaller male. Izuku stopped in his tracks. Oh god, the fucking sexual tension! He couldn't help it. Those words.. His words.. It was making his knees tremble and Shoto wasn't even touching him in a provocative way or anything, just using his words was good enough to make the other smaller male tremble to death over it. And that was a really powerful fucking weapon the other had. He gripped tightly onto the handle of his bag strap that was wrapped around his shoulder. He took a deep breath. Shoto didn't seem to notice that his fellow classmate was planning something very bold to do as he stared up at the sky. They were taking a rather deserted road up the hill where the building of their current school currently sat on. They were surrounded by trees and forests since it's more of a mountain than a hill. 

Izuku fidgeted with his scarred fingers, before taking a deep breath. Just do it, Izuku! He slowly held onto the tie of Shoto's uniform, facing towards the other. All sense of logic, morality and common sense simply left the other boy. Why? He simply broke down from the tension. He could have thought it over, he could have seen Shoto as a sussy little boy because he was. He was being suspicious with the whole fucking dungeon hidden in his room as well. But all of that just crumbled out the window. He wanted to love the other more than anything. Help Shoto discover his own quirks as Izuku was discovering his. They could find out together. Izuku was staring straight into Shoto's different colored eyes. He leaned against the other, his hand reaching out to gently touch the left side of Shoto's face, softly rubbing his thumb over the scars near his eye; forcing Shoto to close that one eye as he felt the other's touch against the burnt scar. 

Give Me Your Love~  Yandere Todoroki! X MidoriyaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora