Happy Arrives

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Happy Hogan was having a rough night.

When he arrived at the beach, everything was on fire.


Well, except for the pile of cargo in the middle of it all. They were covered in a weird sticky substance, and a person was stuck to it with a note:

Found: Flying Vulture Guy.

PS: Sorry about the plane. -Spiderman

Happy wanted to kick himself for not realizing sooner. The kid's friend wasn't lying, of course Peter would go after something like this!

He called Tony.

"Hey, Happy, please tell me the stuff is okay." Tony's exhausted voice filled his ear.

"Stuff's fine, Tony. The kid took care of all of it."

"The kid?" Tony was confused for a second before sighing. "Tell me we're not thinking of the same kid."


"I swear, if that teenager gets into one more bit of trouble I'm telling his aunt." Tony said exasperatedly. "Where is he, I want to talk to him."

"I don't know."

"WHAT? HAVE YOU LOOKED FOR HIM?" Tony sounded worried and angry.

"No." Happy answered guiltily.

"Oh my god."

Happy heard a mechanical whirring from the other end of the line.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to look for him."

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