06 - Dinner with Jeon

Start from the beginning

Jungkook felt a warming sensation in his chest watching the two bond. How was this man even real, divine appearances and compassionate heart? It made no sense to Jungkook, why he was being attracted to him, another man but honestly he couldn't fight what the heart wanted.

The three spent the whole dinner eating and talking about sports and getting to know the soccer coach a little more, Jungkook and Jaehyun smiling the entire time he spoke. The father found himself falling into a deeper infatuation for Jimin every time he let out his melodic giggles and flashed his crescent eye smile, nearly falling out of his chair at the way he laughed with his whole body.

"Alrighty buddy, time to sleep." Jungkook announced once they were all completely full and plates were empty. Jaehyun pouted at his fathers demands. "No let me stay down here a little longer!" The child pleaded. 

"No Jae, coach Jimin is leaving soon anyways." Jungkook stated making Jaehyun sigh but obey orders anyway, he said his goodbyes to Jimin with a cute little wave and raced upstairs leaving the two males alone. Jimin immediately began gathering his and Jaehyun's plate, taking them towards the kitchen with Jungkook following behind. 

"You don't have to stay and clean up, you're our guest." Jungkook stated as he watched Jimin splatter the dish soap on the green and yellow sponge. "Yeah I know, but you all were nice enough to have me here so it's my way of saying thank you, plus I'm in no rush to get home anyways." Jimin mentioned, remembering that his boyfriend Yoongi was going to be working.  

Jungkook smiled at the wonderful manners that Jimin displayed, without fully understanding what he was doing he stepped forward to place his plate into the sink also but he unintentionally pressed his lower body against Jimin's backside. 

The presence of Jimin on him felt so right that he subconsciously set his free hand in Jimin's slim waist, and leaned in a little closer.  Jungkook's nose then buried in the coaches soft hair and inhaled the lovely scent of peaches, his heart was fluttering at the intimate touches. 

But then the sound of Jimin dropping the plate in the sink made Jungkook hurriedly retract himself, shocked that he even did it in the first place. "I'm sorry, that was very inappropriate of me to do." The father breathed out, shame on his face as he looked at the floor. 

Jimin remained silent, he was mentally scolding himself for loving the feeling of that strong body pressed to his and he couldn't bring himself to say any words as he watched Jungkook turn red under the kitchen lights. "Wow he's so handsome. Wait? What? His wife just died Jimin! Have some respect!"

There was complete silence between them, and neither of them were caring about the dirty dishes anymore. Jimin tucked a blonde strand behind his ear and nervously gazed at the time on his wrist watch.

"So do you live close? I can take you home if you want?" Jungkook spoke up after clearing his throat, wanting for the shame to leave the atmosphere already.

"Oh, no it's fine, don't worry. I'll have my friend swing by for a few minutes to pick me up." Jimin said not noticing the disappointment on Jungkook's face at the declined offer, but he wasn't about to force him into anything so he nodded in acceptance. 

Jimin smiled and turned around to resume cleaning the dishes, and as he scrubbed away at the plates he could feel the eyes of Jungkook's gawking at his bottom again, taking in all its glorious juiciness.

Jimin's cheeks were flushed, his lip got caught between his teeth just imaging the face Jungkook was making from behind and he hated how sexually attracted he was to the handsome father. 

Soon when Jimin was done he quietly excused himself to the living room to dial Yoongi, who took a while to pick up but when he finally did he was surprised that he didn't hear the usual loud noise of music behind him.

Jungkook was eavesdropping, he knew he shouldn't had but he couldn't help it, he was still curious to know the relationship between Jimin and the blue haired male, wondering if that was the friend coming to pick him up. 

Jimin's conversation was brief and it ended with him pouting at the realization that Yoongi was too busy for him, so he forced a smile and made his way back to Jungkook who was supposed to be in the kitchen but was in the hallway now nervously looking at the walls like he hadn't seen them before.

"Thank you again for inviting me for dinner, I'll see you and Jaehyun at the field tomorrow." Jimin exclaimed.

"Who the hell could ever hurt this kind hearted astronomical person?" Jungkook asked himself because it didn't take a rocket scientist to see how hurt Jimin was internally.

Jungkook barely knew Jimin, but he felt a intense sense of admiration for him. He convinced himself that it was because Jaehyun looked up to him, but Jungkook knew that deep down he was starting to develop a sexually attraction towards Jimin. 

Jungkook sighed, he remained rooted to the ground as he watched Jimin leave out the doors he was soon locking, contemplating on running after him and taking him home himself but he's never chased after anyone his entire life, let alone a male who could potentially already be dating someone else. 

Jimin was silently sniffling to himself, when he was talking to Yoongi minutes ago he heard a few voices of giggling girls and males. He reminded himself to not get jealous since, that its all part of his boyfriends job but he felt in his heart ache at the thought that he was in fact betraying their relationship.

"No, Yoongi loves me, and would never cheat." Jimin told himself, noticing that he's been having to say it often lately.

Jimin was sitting at the bus stop, nearly waiting for 15 minutes and scrolling through his phone when he heard a car pulling up and when he brought his glossy eyes up he was met with a familiar face as the tinted windows rolled all the way down. 

"Hey...can I take you home?"

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