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Bellamy and I left on promising terms, promising either heart break or a happy ending. As of right now, I couldn't tell which direction we were headed in. So, I decided that as of now, I would try to remain friends with him.

The grounders and some of the people (the ones I chose to attend) marched for Polis. My mind was filled with thought and guilt about Finn, about what I could've done to save him.

Maybe my mind was playing tricks on me, but every corner I turned, I would see Finn. He was staring, almost shooting bullets into me with his eyes.

I don't know what it was but it brought up feelings that I thought I had pushed down.

As we were marching, Bellamy ran up to me, seeing me staring worriedly into the woods, as if watching something.

"Hey, are you alright?" His eyes scanned me,

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine, it's just- I can't help but blame myself for this."

"It's not your fault, Liv." He said, breaking eye contact with me.

"Now, I get to live with it. I get to live with the fact I helped murder my best friend."

Changing the subject, I switched to Mount Weather and whatever the hell was going on up there with or people.

"You still think this truce is a bad idea, don't you?"

"I think we are waisting our time with politics when we should be at Mount Weather rescuing our friends." Bellamy's tone changed instantly,

"We need their army to get to Mount Weather, Bellamy, and you know it." I rolled my eyes at the ignorance,

"Their army has been getting their ass kicked by Mount Weather for forever. What we need is an inside man to take down their internal forces."

Whatever Bellamy was thinking about him being the inside man to be the eyes and ears of this organization, he can let go of that dream because there is no way I'm allowing it.

No way in hell am I letting him do that.

"Forget it. It's too dangerous." I shook my head in disapproval,

"Liv, if Clarke can make it out, I can make it in." He said, almost pleading to approval.

"I said no."

"Since I don't take orders from you, I'm going to need a better reason." He stopped in the middle of the path, annoying people as they walked by.

I gripped his muscular arm and pulled him to the side of the pathway, his eyes strong as they flared at mine.

"You can't just come to my after the death of my friend, promising this shit about us being together. You don't get to do that, Bellamy, and you certainly don't get to make me feel like that for you then tell me you are willing to sacrifice yourself. I can't lose you too, okay?" I let go of his arm and walked forward as the army led us to Polis,


Late that night, we all camped near the marker that signaled a few miles left til Ton DC. All the grounders were on guard for anything that could happen while we were resting.

The grounders were on one side and the Sky people were on the other. Bellamy stayed up as Clarke and I headed over to the grounders' side.

Clarke was on one side and I was on the other. I pulled out a blanket I packed from Arkadia and started to lay it on the ground.

Bellamy looked at me confused as to why I was sleeping on their side.

"Liv, come over here. It's safer."

"We need to trust them, Bellamy. Even if it starts with me laying down my blanket and sleeping." His eyes looked down as he brought a log beside the campfire and watched me lay down.

I didn't want people to be at war, I wanted there to be peace. People in this world ended their race because of hatred, why create the same thing when we can prevent it?

A few hours later, the sun was rising but it hadn't yet. I felt the eyes of someone beaming at me from across the woods.

I opened my eyes to see the appearance of Finn staring me down as my heart started to race faster and my breath started to escalate.

I started to sit up when I felt the heavy arm of someone holding my waist. I turned my head to see Bellamy's eyes shut and for once he seemed peaceful.

I didn't want to disturb him, he looked angelic and perfect the way he was. I hadn't seen him sleep in a while, but it was a sight for sore eyes.

I get him flinch as I brushed a hair from his face, he looked at me scared at first, not realizing who I was when he saw me.

"I'm sorry, I just haven't seen you like this in forever." I smiled softly,

He put his hand on mine, covering my smaller hand with his bigger one and traced my tattoos that shown from my tank top.

"I've said it once and I'll say it again, you still look as beautiful as the day we landed on this miserable hell." I laughed from the joke he made, which made him smile.

I grabbed my jacket from beside the dying fire. I retied my shoes to make sure they were right.

"I hope it's okay I laid down beside you. I didn't mean to get so close but I didn't want the dirt in my hair."

"You're fine with grounder blood but not dirt? Sounds about right." He leaned in, almost kissing me when he stopped.

"I-I'm sorry. It's a reflex."

"You should really stop apologizing all the time." I made eye contact with him as I leaned in with him, but the yell from Lexa and soared through the trees that we were marching.

"Saved by the grounder." I chuckled as I hopped up and followed the army. I could hear Bellamy chuckle from the little moment as he followed behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2018 ⏰

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Sanity - Sequel to Captured Heart // Bellamy Blake   //SEASONS 2 &3//Where stories live. Discover now