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Finn and Murphy kept the grounders packed into a section where the pigs usually stay. They were bent down and not making eye contact with the two, trying to not cause any more deaths than have already happened.

Finn made Murphy stay with the grounders and keep watch while he searched for any sign that our friends were here, which they weren't. It was only Octavia and Lincoln, whom left unexpectedly.

One boy tried to stand up, while Murphy was looking the other way, when Nyko held him down.

Murphy turned around, seeing the boy being obedient. He looked at Nyko, who was trying to tell him that our friends weren't here, except Octavia.

"We don't have your people."

"Stop talking." Murphy ordered, which Nyko obeyed.

Finn kept searching for something, anything. Loosing Clarke changed him, not in a good way. In a way that he seemed to be unstable.

He saw a rack of coats on the side of my building, which I was hiding behind, my sword ready to be used.

Finn grabbed the coat, orange interior, being from the drop ship that was now barbecued. I stayed silent behind the hut, him staring at the jacket.

"Finn, you find something?" Murphy yelled,

"Finn! Hey, answer me! Are you alright?" He screamed, walking towards him, still aiming the gun at the child.

The boy got back up and went for Murphy, until Nyko, once again, pulled him back down.

"Hey. On your knees! Down. On your knees now!" He screamed, viciously pointing the gun at the boy before him.

I could hear the shuddering and anger behind me that Finn was releasing into the air. He seemed mad and frustrated, mostly lost because he had lost Clarke.

He couldn't live without her, just like I can't live without Bellamy.

"Du lain ai op!" Nyko yelled as he forcefully pulled the boy down to his knees,

"Finn!" Murphy screamed once more,

Finn huffed a large breath and grabbed the jacket that was on the hook. The ran for the grounders in the coop, throwing the jacket to the muddy and dark ground.

He stared Nyko in the eyes, scorching with anger. He was searching for the truth, even if he had to kill.

"What have you done with them!" Finn yelled,

Nyko didn't answer, making Finn point the gun at Nigel (the boy). He was about to pull the trigger when Murphy tried to stop him.

"Finn! What are you doing! Stop!"

"They have their clothes! They were here." Finn replied, being fixed on aiming the gun at Nigel.

"Finn!" Murphy yelled but it was no use.

The other grounders started to stand up, looking like they were about to attack. Nyko held them back, trying to forge them to hold their fire.

Sanity - Sequel to Captured Heart // Bellamy Blake   //SEASONS 2 &3//Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang