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The journey to the drop ship was quiet, not a peep or a whistle from anything, not even animals.

I looked at Clarke, her eyes worried and scared about if Lincoln was going to make it. Her blue eyes looked at me, wanting to say whatever was on her mind, not able to from the grounders behind us.

We arrived at the drop ship, burned corpses still lying around the ground, black ash and bodies everywhere.

"Damn." I said,

I walked to the ramp of the drop ship, horrified of the outcome if Abby didn't find a way to revive Lincoln.

Eye contact between the Commander and I stood strong, as I nodded for her to follow in to see the grounder turned Reaper.

I turned the hatch, hearing the weeping from inside the floor. Octavia was standing over Lincoln's deceased body, her hands violently smashing into his chest.

My eyes met Bellamy's as his face said everything that hadn't been spoken between us, confirming Lincoln's death.

My eyes saw Bellamy's as I lightly nodded, his hand slowly going for the rifle beside him. He motioned his eyes to the electric stick beside me, as I slowly walked towards it.

The Commander nodded to her guards as Indra drew her sword, ordering all the others to follow as she did.

"Kill them all."

Bellamy and the rest of the Sky People drew their guns and any other weapons as they held against the people who tried to eradicate us.

The Commander looked at us with devilish eyes, ready to strike at anytime to kill us all.

"You don't have to do this." I said, my hands in beside me.

"And you lied, plus, you're out of time."

My eyes vastly scoured the ground, seeing the electric stick in Abby's hands. I ran for her, snatching it, and stabbing Lincoln's chest.

His chest elevated, his eyes not opening. The Commander's eyes seemed enchanted by the new device, not seeing anything like it. I could hear Clarke and Bellamy breathing harshly, hoping this could be our redemption.

"Hit him again." Clarke commanded,

It landed on his chest, Lincoln's eyes opening immediately, gasping for air as he was returned back to the land of the living.

I stood up, Octavia rushing to his aid, holding him as she saw he was alive and not dead.

Glass tears started forming in my eyes as a slight smirk appeared on my face, realizing I wasn't going to die, at least not today I won't.

Octavia leaned over him, trying to see if what had happened, returned him back to the man he once was. The Commander and her guards, were waiting for the anticipation.

"Lincoln. . ." She whispered, everyone's eyes watching.

His swollen and red face, beaten and bruised, looked weakly at her and spoke slowly.

Sanity - Sequel to Captured Heart // Bellamy Blake   //SEASONS 2 &3//Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon