Chapter 22

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Nini: I found the guy Sehun likes and he gave me his number.

Soo: He gave you his number??

Nini: Not like that, don't worry.

Nini: I asked him if he was single and he said yes, so I explained to him that Sehun likes him but thought he was with his gf last time.


Nini: Guess what

Soo: He thinks Sehun is ugly?

Sehoon: Excuse me

Nini: It was his sister xD


Sehoon: Shit

Nini: So... he gave me his number and I'm gonna add him to this group okay?

Soo: Yes

Chan: Yes

Baek: Idk what's going on but yes

Sehoon: No!

Nini added Lulu

Nini: Hey :)

Lulu: Hey guys!

Baek: Hi and welcome to the family! I am Baekhyun.

Chan: I'm Chanyeol, his bf

Soo: No one wants to know

Nini: And that's my bf Kyungsoo

Baek: Holdup

Chan: Did we miss something?

Nini: I asked Soo to be my online bf and he said yes (≧∇≦)/

Baek: Yayyyyy

Chan: That's great but where did Sehun go?

Soo: I think he's too scared.

Sehoon: I am here...

Lulu: Hello ^ω^

Soo: Nini don't you dare

Nini: But...

Soo: No

Nini: Okay

Baek: What?

Nini: They look like balls

Soo: Jongin!

Nini: He asked me!

Chan: XD

Baek: Omg

Lulu: Ehm...

Sehoon: Guys please

Soo: I am sorry. I tried to stop him.

Chan: Let's forget that

Lulu: Okay. Can I see what y'all look like?

Soo: Please not again gonna kms

Baek: Ofc!



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