22. Revenge

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He smirked to himself. He had succeeded in isolating them. Everything was cut off. The earth was cut off from Plane. Something swelled in his chest.


Leaping happiness of fulfilling his purpose.

He would take her apart cell by cell and scatter her to the wind. Take her very essence and destroy it forever. And yet. Yet keep her engraved in their minds.

There is no memory like trauma. It's the most vivid of any memory. And what he had planned for her would sure be the biggest blow to the Council he could give.

He would take away their beloved. The one who would have been the potential successor after that lovesick pair. Rafeeq and Yifa.

Revenge was not sweet. People were wrong. It was bitter and it burned, but gave the same satisfaction alcohol gives when it goes down your throat. The alcohol rendering you senseless, numb, lifeless.
Revenge was that alcohol. That bitter burning euphoria.

His revenge was purely personal. He would take them away from Dimi. Then take Dimi away from them.

Ivan was a diva. He wanted the sparkle, the glamour. He wanted a monument built to his name in the skies. He wanted to be seen as the one who took down the most powerful Conductor to ever live.

He wanted revenge for his imprisonment. His abandonment.

His unrequited love.

She would do anything for the seven boys and he knew that. In fact, he was counting on that.

Self-sacrifice is just a glorified term for suicide. No one wants to die. But the need to not live is stronger.

A snap of his fingers and all the bridges connecting the two worlds were broken. All their pathways, save for one.

And at that place he would make the tomb of his former love.


Her mobile rang. She lifted her pathetic self off the bed and walked over to the table. The phone continued ringing intensely.

She pressed the answer button and heard Rafeeq's frantic voice on the other line.

"Come on!! Come through! What's taking you so long??" He rushed his words. He was giddy. With relief. With elation. With the Fanboy Syndrome.

"What? What are you talking about?" She said, confused.

"The portal!! We- we opened a portal for you guys..." He trailed off. "Dimi..."

"Rafeeq!! What the hell is going on?! There is no portal." She was panicking now.

"We cannot reach you. You are on your own. Earth and Plane have been cut off. Not a single portal is open," his voice sounded dead.

You are on your own.

"Rafeeq!! Rafeeq, what are you saying?"

"Ivan. He blocked us. He closed down all the portals. You-" his voice cracked.

"You cannot come through. We are trying. But there is something wrong here. None of the portals are able to establish connection. It was working fine just a moment ago. Something happened."

"Rafeeq. It's okay. I'll get them back to you," she started trying to calm down the man.

"I'm not talking about them!! You are going to try to kill him, right? Don't do this, Dimi!! Please. I'm begging you," he exhaled the last sentence in a sob.

"You know I will not stop." She said, not unkindly. "So why try?"

"I'd rather try and fail than not try ever."

"I'm sorry, Rafeeq," she cut the line.

"Well, well, well. That man has a flair for the dramatics, don't you think, Dimi?" The deep tenor spoke from behind her.

She stiffened. That voice would haunt her even in the daylight. She turned on her heel to face the Hellboy. He sat on her bed, his white hair gleaming in the sunlight. He looked relaxed, a wide smile on his face.

For a moment, he seemed just a normal teenage boy, not a demon in person.

"You know it had been ages since I'd seen your wings. I would have like to fly with you once again. Why hide them?"

"I really do not have the strength to drag them around everywhere I go," her voice was hollow. "How do you appear here?"

"I took powers. Teleportation being one of them."


"Now. This visit was not for a lighthearted conversation with my first love but actually I came to give you something," he stood up and stuffed his hands in his pockets. He walked up to her till there was barely any space between them.

She stared up at him, her eyes glinting like steel.

"I'll give you a chance," he spoke carefully and slowly, his eyes boring into hers. "To save the seven. Bring them to my house. You know which one. You will open a path for them there. Send them to the godforsaken place and then.." He smirked and ducked her hair behind her ear, dipping his voice lower.
"You and I are gonna have lots of fun, my love."

Hey guys!! Hope everything is good. You know the drill be now.

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Light And Dark-BTS au!SupernaturalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora