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"AAGH! TAEHYUNG!!" Hobi yelled as the younger jumped on him. They had grown closer. It had been three weeks since the incident and it had definitely helped their friendship.

Sure, sometimes they would get pissed off at each other, but then that happens all the time, right?

Dimi was quite happy they were making progress with each other, but she was happier that they were doing better in their training. They would practice in pairs or trios. Some of them-Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi- already had quite an incredible level of control over their powers for people who didn't receive training when they were kids. The others were progressing quite rapidly. And that was good. She couldn't take in undertrained Conductors into the Plane.

According to the messages she was receiving, Ivan had escaped prison. Which meant he was coming after her. She had to wrap things up with the seven boys as soon as possible. She couldn't drag them into her mess.

The knowledge weighed down on her heart like lead. They would be taken away from her. And she couldn't do anything to stop that.

"Dimi?" Taehyung appeared in the doorway of her room. "It's time for our class." She nodded absentmindedly.

They had come to love this time with her, where they could tease her and act like kids.

"Where do we get our powers from?" RM asked her in between the class. "Magic, I guess." She replied, smiling a bit.
"Magic doesn't exist," he replied savagely.
"Then how do explain your powers?" She raised an eyebrow, while the others stared at RM.
"Must be some sort of mutation."
"If magic goes beyond your mentality then think of it as science," she shrugged.
"I can make things out light and dark, right. Even though they are someone else's powers, like Jimin."
"Yeah... so?
"So. Light is an energy. Darkness is an obstruction. Love is a force. Think of them as real tangible things."
"You sound like Yoda from Star Wars. Also whatever your said right now makes no sense."
"Well, if I'm Yoda then it doesn't have to," she said.

Knock knock.

"Who would that be?" Jimin wondered aloud.
"Stay here. All of you," Dimi said in a hard voice. They all obliged but something was off. She was moving with stealthy steps to the door. Peeking through the peep-hole to see no one was there.

A resounding crash resonated through the house, making all the boys scramble to their feet. They heard an all too familiar scream sending their blood curdling, which was cut off abruptly.

They ran out of the room to help her and saw her hanging two feet off the ground.

Long hands encased her throat, the pale fingers almost glowing in the dark. It was male figure, his eyes glowed red, just like the dreams, with tousled, snow white hair. He was beautiful, terribly so. His body lithe and muscular.

She clawed his hands weakly, "Ivan, pl-please. Let them- go. They-they're children." He let her fall to the ground, her legs buckled under the weight of her body. Yoongi rushed forward, catching her and pulling her back to where the others were standing. Ivan eyed him with distaste.

He clicked his tongue, "Dimiourgo, I really thought your apprentices would be better. These were the best you had?"
"How did you get here?" She sputtered.
"Oh. You know. A few connections here, some deaths there. I have many friends, you see. And finding illegal portals is not that hard," his voice was like honey. Had the words coming out his mouth been different anyone would have fell for him.

"Dude, seriously get out. And who the hell is Dimiourgo?" Jin yelled at the pale humanoid.
"Child. The girl you're holding as if she's your trophy, you don't even know her actual name. It means-"
"Creation," Dimi finished for him. "You lost the right to say that Ivan. You lost the right to me when you tried to kill Rafeeq. When you tried to kill all my friends," her voice was calm but her words held too much weight.
"You put me in prison," he hissed through his teeth, taking a step forward. Hoseok moved to stand in front of them, his forearms wreathed in fire.
"Take one more step and I'll melt your face," he threatened.
"Oh. Will you now, child? Let's see then. Go ahead. Do it," he sneered.
Hoseok growled and shot a streak of flame at him only to find the man floating near the ceiling. It was only them they noticed the raven wings attached to his back. He couldn't spread them entirely in the confined space but it was enough to keep him off the ground.

"That's all? My turn," he dove, grabbing Hoseok by the neck and dragging him out of the house. He spiralled, his wings expanding, taking him higher and higher. The others rushed out to see Ivan hovering mid air. His eyes glowing like rubies in the dark.

Dimi screamed, "Ivan!! Don't do anything to him or I swear-"
"You swear what? Huh, Dimi? You made me spend two centuries, two centuries in that hell. You were my friend." They could hear the wretched pain in his voice. He released Hoseok. The boy's limp body hurtled towards the ground.

"NO!!" She screamed, her throat hurting.

Feel how it hurts when your friend dies, Dimi. He will not survive from this height. Ivan's thoughts ran darkly.

Taehyung pushed Dimi aside and thrust out his hand opening a portal intercepting Hoseok, but his timing was a bit off. Hoseok's body paused for a moment when it came in the portal's proximity but it passed by, still dropping till he hit the ground with a dull thud.

"Hoseok!!" Jungkook yelled, sprinting to where he lay. Everyone followed suit, dread making it's home in their sternum.

"He's not breathing," Jungkook said, his hands checking Hoseok's pulse. She dropped to his knees beside him.
"Hoseok please wake up," she clutched his hair, desperately, trying to wake the unmoving body. "HOSEOK PLEASE!!"

He still wasn't breathing.

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