20. Wrath

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Jungkook tossed and turned, hearing moans coming from someone else's room.

 Someone must be jerking off. We are grown up men after all.  He tried to shrug it off but the moaning was progressively intensifying. He turned again, a sick feeling infecting his chest. The moans were too loud...

... and they didn't sound like any of the other's.

He scrambled out of bed and onto the cold floor, his feet recoiling when meeting the icy stone. And picked up a t-shirt, covered his naked chest and padded out, silently slipping into Taehyung's room. Shutting the door behind him, he tip-toed towards the bed only to find Taehyung already with someone else...

His head rested on Jimin's chest, whose arms wrapped around the younger protectively. Jungkook brushed back the hair from Jimin's forehead. The eldest's eyes fluttered open. He peered up in the darkness to see the maknae's silhouette. Jungkook put a finger to his lips. 

"Listen," he whispered.

Jimin stopped saying whatever he was going to and complied. He too heard them. The moans. The same feeling of dread infected him. 

"Should we wake the others?" Taehyung spoke out of nowhere. Jimin unwound his arms hastily. A blush creeping up his neck. Taehyung, however refused to move, and cuddled deeper into the bedclothes and Jimin. 

"I-I think so," Jimin said, staring at Jungkook. 

The three scrambled to the others' rooms and woke them. Each was confused. No one was jerking off. That left one occupant. Dimi. 

But the moans were definitely male. 

"Please don't tell me she is having sex with someone," Seokjin tried to say in a lighthearted tone but failed miserably. It was not long ago they had had the conversation of whether Dimi loved Ivan or not. Yoongi walked up to Dimi's door and knocked. "Dimi are you in?"

In reply, he got another masculine moan followed by a female one. Their blood ran ice cold.

She wouldn't. Would she? 

"Dimi!! Open the door!!" Namjoon joined Yoongi. No one dared take a breath. Their hearts pounding in their ears. Because whatever was happening couldn't be real. Couldn't possibly happen in any goddamn world.

The door fell open.

Taehyung's throat seized up. Because in front of them...

in front of them was Ivan. Naked. On top of Dimi. 

He felt heat rush up his neck. Not any ordinary heat. No it was that heat. The one that destroyed everything. His eyes met the Hellboy's who smirked, "Well. Looks like she loves me. Your trust was misplaced, children. After all, games last for only so long."  

Taehyung let go. 


Ivan had disappeared into thin air, the moment Taehyung's power had leaped it's bound. Dimi's room was a charred mess. Jimin had to hold back the boy form wreaking havok in the whole house. Dimi had scrambled to cover her body. Her face was a mask of shock. The boys had deserted her room to let her put on some clothes.

Taehyung's heart beat unevenly, Jimin and Jungkook each held one of his arms. He was shattered. His trust was shattered. She had shattered him beyond repair. All of them were shattered.

Time moved too fast and too slow. Because all of them were gathered in the living room too soon for facing the reality and too late for stopping it.

Dimi fidgeted in her seat.  

"So you were just using us?" Namjoon stared at her. The rest were quiet. He was asking all of their questions. Namjoon could hear each person's thoughts, but never once did Dimi- Dimiourgo think anything in her defence.

She was blank.
And the silence was wretched.
"Dimiourgo," he enunciated her name very carefully. "Was this a game? Were we a game to you?"
Taehyung was shaking. Shaking with fear. And anger. Fear of her answer. Anger for trusting her so easily. He was stupid. Stupid.

She stared at the ground still not answering.


He didn't realise how much mental force he exerted on her till her knees hit the floor and her hands were covering her ears.

"I don't love you," she spoke lowly, but each of them heard it clearly. "I needed to get you through. Get you to Plane so you would be safe. I didn't love any of you. You were my assignments."

Time had stopped. Because each of the seven boys' heart had broken.

But everyone's mind was working overtime. To suppress the animalistic rage overtaking their conscious. Save for one. There is always one who fails. Fails to control.

She removed her hands from her ears but felt a different set grab her neck. And felt her wind pipe crushing because Taehyung- Taehyung was choking her with his bare hands.

She struggled against his grip, her feet dangling off the floor. All that was visible in his eyes was rage. Cold, seething rage. His power seeped into her bones, destroying her from within. And she gasped and choked. Called. For anybody. 

And she was reminded painfully of the day the boy killing her lost his father. The wretched pain and anger in his eyes as he destroyed his father's killers. 

She deserved it. She had murdered their trust. 

And she will do it again.

They stood there. Not doing a thing while Taehyung slowly killed her. Slowly, painfully erased her reality. She gripped his hand, not struggling anymore, just hanging, red veins of energy crawling on her arms, neck, crowding her tanned skin. Something broke Jungkook free of the trance. He pounced on Taehyung pulling him back, but he didn't let go.

"TAEHYUNG LET GO!!! TAEHYUNG!! TAE SHE WILL DIE!! TAEHYUNG!!" Jungkook tried desperately to loosen Taehyung's grip. He could see her face turning blue from asphyxiation. He had to work quick or they would lose her.

They couldn't let her die. Not at the hands of one of their own. 

Jungkook summoned current from the lights and sent it arcing into Taehyung's body, who finally released Dimi. She fell to the floor in a crumpled heap. Taehyung scurried to his feet and gasped as the red essence of his power retracted back into his body. Seokjin pulled Taehyung away from Dimi. Namjoon and Yoongi knelt at her side.

Her pulse thudded unevenly against Namjoon's fingers. His own heart seemed like a drum in comparison. Yoongi shifted her head into his lap, brushing her hair back tenderly. But his expression told otherwise. 

Betrayed. They were betrayed by her.

Heyyyy. Hope you're liking the story. If you are, don't be shy to vote and comment. Saranghae. 💜💜

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