Nice to meet you

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After hours of shifting and turning on the hard wood floor (y/n) gave one last turn before turning to lay on her back staring at the Celling. Then out of no where (y/n) felt this cold air causing her to shake and then her bedroom lights started flickering on and off making (y/n) worry a little. (Y/n) jumped up and walked towards the door only to come to a complete stop seeing a boy with blond hair and yellow eyes wearing a black jacket and some black jeans with some white boots. (Y/n) entered flight or fight mod not knowing whether she should scream for help or just back away.

"Oops did I scare you sorrry" the random boy said moving a hand behind his head to scratch his neck.

(Y/n) didn't know how to respond to the random boy that just broke into her house.

"You ok" The random boy asked shaking his hand in front of the (h/c) haired female.

(Y/n) stood there thinking for a while still a little surprised with how friendly the intruder was.

"I guess I'm fine even tho a random boy just broke into my house" (y/n) said with slight irritation in her voice.

"I didn't break in your house this is my house"

"No I moved her today"

"Annnd I moved her 3 years ago what's your point"

"What do you mean you moved her 3 years ago" (y/n) asked.

"Ooooh yah oooops" the boy giggle and disappeared from (y/n) sight.

"Whhhhhhaaaa" (y/n) couldn't seem to process what she just witnessed.

"Boo" a voice said behind (y/n) causing her to jump and let out a little squeal while falling on her Bottom.

"My name is Oliver by the way" Oliver said offering to help the girl up.

(Y/n) still couldn't process what just happen the only thing her mind could think about was when her  mom said someone died in the house.

"I-I what just...who...." (y/n) stumbled on every word as she tried to talk eventually everything went black.

"Helllloooo wake up sleeping Beauty"

(Y/n) opened her eyes to see a familiar blond hair boy floating mir inches away from her face causes her face to turn a slight red.

"You sick?" Oliver asked backing up a little.

"No I'm don't just....never mind"
(y/n) said sitting up looking towards the window to see the sun was up.

"Ok so tell me who you are why you're here"
(y/n) demanded.

"My name is Oliver I am 17 annnnd uhh well I'm a ghost basically" Oliver said with a slight giggle.

"Sooo did your father kill you"

"Wooooow you are one massed up kid no he didn't kill me goodness" Oliver basically yelled finally putting his feet back on the ground.

"Then how did you die"

"I don't know"

"What do you know"

"That I'm dead"

"Ohh really" (y/n) said standing up to stretch.

"I also know my father didn't kill me all I remember was waking up to see my dad and mom crying over my dead body"

"Welp can't you leave this house"


"Then why are you here"

Paranormal love (Yandere Ghost boy x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя