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Hey guys! Sorry, it's taken me like... five-ever to get another chapter out! that's my bad, LOL. I think you guys will like this chapter... maybe? Hopefully? It's kinda intense. *shrugs*

Warnings:  violence, kidnapping,  lying, identity theft(??ish??)


Patton had left early, Roman knew his class didn't start until three. Patton left at eleven. Not that Patton couldn't go do things, he was an adult. Roman was just worried, and he didn't know why. Everything had been so strange lately, with Virgil and Patton first being friends, then not talking for weeks, and then making up because of what Virgil's boyfriend had done. Roman sighed, looking down at his notebook, then at the clock again. Patton wasn't one to go treat himself to a day out, it just didn't seem like something he'd do.

None of the others knew where he was, either. Virgil had just shrugged and turned his music back on, and Logan had started hypothesizing different possibilities. Roman left him to it, going to his own room to write. He desperately needed a distraction from everything that had happened, but for once in his life Roman had nothing to write. It was frustrating beyond belief, and so he just sat and stared at the page. Then he glanced back at the clock. Patton's class ended half an hour ago, and Roman knew he always came right home to watch Disney with them. It's what he'd done for months since they moved into the apartment. So where was he?

A soft knock on the door made Roman turn, surprised to see Virgil poking his head in looking concerned.

"Is Patton... back yet?" he mumbled softly.

"Not that I'm aware of, no," Roman said, chewing on his pencil. "Did you need something?"

"N-not really..." Virgil looked embarrassed. "I was just wondering..."

"I was beginning to worry as well, actually," Roman confessed, getting to his feet. "Did you text him?"

"Well, not really. I didn't want to bug him if his class went late, or if he was stuck in traffic, or if-" Roman sighed, rubbing his eyes.

"Just give me your phone, Panic! At the Everywhere." He held out his hand and Virgil flushed, handing it over. Roman typed a quick message before turning it off again and handing it to Virgil. "Tada, that simple!"

"Yeah, thanks... Princey." Roman blinked in surprise, then grinned as they walked out to the living room.

"It was nothing!" he said grandly, flipping his hair. "We may as well start the movie without him, what's your favorite Disney?"

"Black Cauldron," Virgil said without hesitation. Roman's jaw dropped.

"What?! But... there are no songs!" he complained. Virgil smirked.

"Exactly." Roman sighed loudly, kneeling by his box of movies.

"Fiiiine, I suppose we can watch it this once. Since Patton isn't here yet," he muttered, searching through until he found the unopened CD case in the bottom of the box. As he put it in he heard Virgil's phone bling and glanced over. "What did he say?"

"He's just running errands," Virgil said, sounding slightly relieved. "Something about cookies." Roman chuckled.

"That sounds like him," he said, hitting play and going to sit on the couch. "Well then, My Chemically Imbalanced Romance, while we watch you can explain why this is your favorite," Virgil smirked, sitting down next to him. Roman's eyes ghosted over the pattern of bruises across his arms and he felt some strange emotion in his stomach. He really wished aggravated assault wasn't a crime, because then D would probably be in the hospital by now.

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