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I feel like crap, but here. have the next chapter. I don't have a schedule planned like I said I would but I wanted to post something. Yay.

Patton was hoping no one would notice him arrive, seeing as it was nearly midnight when he did. He left most of his stuff in the car and only carried a duffel bag with him up to the apartment, and slowly opened the door. All the lights were still on, which meant either his roommates were crazy or they were still awake. Patton stepped inside and was met by two surprised looks.

"I'm Patton." He said, forcing a wide grin. "Sorry, I'm a bit late... you could say I was Patton Pending...!"

When in doubt, dad jokes are always the way to go.

"Ah, hello Patton." One of the others stood up, holding out a hand. Patton realized after a moment of staring that it was a handshake, which he gave enthusiastically. "My name is Logan." Patton nodded, looking around at the apartment curiously. The other person bounded to his feet, striking a pose with a flip of his hair.

"I am Prince Roman!" He declared grandly. Logan sighed.

"I believe the surname comes after the given name, in our culture." He said softly.

"Yes but Roman Prince has less of a ring to it," Roman said, waving a dismissive hand as he shook Patton's hand as well.

"Well, I didn't expect anyone to be awake," Patton said, laughing nervously. "It's not healthy for you, you know."

"Oh yes, I know," Logan said, casting a strange look at Roman. "But I simply cannot sleep with Disney music ringing through the apartment at all hours of the night." Roman rolled his eyes.

"One might think that such a miracle as Disney would help you relax," he said, gesturing toward the television. "Do you like Disney movies, Patton?" Patton blinked.

"Oh well of course I do!" he said enthusiastically. "They are pretty Disneat!" Roman stared at him, then snickered a bit before walking back to his seat on the couch.

"What... that doesn't... oh, for goodness sakes was that a dad joke?" Logan asked, staring at him. Patton nodded.

"The best kind of joke." He declared. Logan sighed.

"Well, seeing as Roman's marathon won't be ending anytime soon, I shall go and attempt to sleep." He said, turning toward the bedrooms. Patton waved, even though he didn't see.

"Good luck!" He glanced at Roman, who was mouthing lines along with the characters as it played. "He's right you know, you shouldn't stay up so late." Roman looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Patton, just because I know something doesn't mean I have to listen to myself," he said, tapping his temple. "I will turn the volume down if that's what you're requesting." That was probably the best he'd get, so Patton nodded.


"Your room is the third one down," Roman said, turning back to the TV. "You are the last one to arrive, and that's the last one left."

"Thanks," Patton said again, turning down the hallway. A few moments later he heard the volume lower to a dull murmur. There were four bedrooms in the hallway, the first door was shut, and the second barely ajar. He could see there were things already spread across the room and had to assume it was Romans. Mostly because of all the Disney store merchandise, and also because no one was in there. He opened the third door and stepped inside, dropping his bag on the ground. He stood for a moment, listening to the dull murmur of the television. Roman was out there... alone. Watching television alone was never fun, Patton had too much experience with that. He sighed and looked down at his bag, then opened his door again and planted a grin on his face.

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