no, not because i looked like shit, i knew you'd get worried and i didn't want you to.

To: Angel

i'm always going to worry about you.

From: Angel

i know. and i don't want you to

Well, if I got injured in any way, I know I'd want her to worry about me. Purely because it's me that's hurt, and I would want that to mean something to her. Even though we obviously feel different about the whole thing.

To: Angel

you never tell me anything, of course i'm gonna worry about every damn thing.

From: Angel

but you don't have to, honestly. there's nothing that i can't handle by myself and i feel bad when you're worried for nothing

I shake my head as I stare at the bright screen of my phone, barely fighting the urge to throw it at a wall. She just doesn't get it, does she?

To: Angel

it's not nothing when you're getting hurt god dammit why do you not understand

From: Angel

i know what it looks like, but i know what i'm doing ok? i'm not ten

Scratching the back of my neck, I purse my lips, and look around; she'd tell me if it was something serious, right? Not even necessarily me, but someone, anyone, she'd speak about it, wouldn't she?

To: Angel

yeah, you're right. no ten year olds arse is as stubborn as yours

At least the conversation is going a different way now.

From: Angel

why did 'arse' just make me laugh

To: Angel

because you're an arsehole

From: Angel

alright, i deserve that. is there a possibility that you aren't as angry anymore?

It feels weird when I think about it now, but in a way, I've expected this. I expected her to hide things from me, and the reason I got upset is because it's been going on for longer that I would have wanted it to. And the mature thing to do now would be to explain that to her, and then we finally might make some progress here.

To: Angel

no. i hate you

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