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Lily's pov

Burnt toast

I was sure I was a goner I had to keep my big brother safe one way or another so I did the only thing I could do I used my erith powers.

Jumping out of his hands I ran usingy erith  powers to crated a big grass bubble around my bother he was safe for now we're I was still left out in the open.

"LILY HERE RIGHT NOW" the wolf yelled at me.

"NO YOU BIG BULLY" I yelled at the wolf.

the wolf calmed down a bit and asked me again.

"Lilly please come here I won't hurt you" the wolf said as he walked closer to me he looked familiar to me like I've see him before maybe on one of my vision.

"No'' I said as I took off in the opposite direction of the house trying to get them away form the pack house it seemed to work keeping my family and there pack safe.

I tripped over the big rock that I tried my heardes to climb up that fall cause me an arm literally i was sure by the way it felt that I may have broken it or spranged the pain wasn't much but it was there I got back up and keep going falling again but this time over a tree branch.

Damn it was like deja vu all over again bring me right back to the beginning of this whole thing.

I won't give up I can't I use my Wind gust to move faster them I should be able to.

They didn't go so well it back fired on me I was falling to the ground slowing me down they we're  ganig on me.

I had no were to run no place to hide I was traped my knees were all blooded up and my hand have glass stuck in it how that happened I had no idea I was getting weker and weker  everything stared to get a little  blurry I was seeing dubbled of thing.

I was lossing consciousness I was in and out of it all.

I cosed my eyes as I felt two grate big arms pick me up off the ground I opend my eyes to see this man he had me  in his arms he was nice with it not trying to man handle me.

"Tell the king we have what we came here for" the man said as he walked off with me tighly tucked away in his arms

Alpha Kings Pov

Run I was so close to catching her I could feel the blood flowing through our vains pool us closer to each other

"Alpha sr your beta said we have what we came here for" my top worriors  said as we walked  away.

In the distance I could make out my little brother caring his fragile little niece.

final we have you Lilith I thought to my self we can final go home were you belong to take your rightfull place as queen one day.

As soon as he got colser I took her from him he was more then happy to hand her over with outta fight.

"Brother we should be getting back" he said to me as we walked down the road to the cars we drove here in.

'Soon my dear you'll be mine"

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