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Unknown persons P.O.V

We have them serouned" I yelled out to my boss.

"Good whatever you do don't kill the girl "he said

he passed a picture of the little girl that got away form me a while back.

"Yes Sr" the others yelled.

"On my Que you go "my boss said.

"Go" he yelled.

We all ran right to the pack house passing through the trees stepping in leaves sticks and rocks trying to get to where we have to, to get what we need.

A cording to my boss this girl is the key to somthing bigger.

She is the key to somthing out of this world.

it's said that the mother and father of this girl are really powerful there more powerful then the alpha king and queen.

They say the mother is a falling angle and the father is the sun of the king but no one ever seen them.

this is the pack that is hidden form the world only those they trust know about them and the pack that we took out not to long ago had this exact pack as one of the packs they trusted they were friends yet no one knows why.

They say that the little girl was apart of many pack but a little bird told me that she ariganal came from this pack born and almost rased here.

somthing hapend and the alpha and his mate of this pack lost there Dauther she was only one and was playing hid and seek when she disappeared on them and was never seen again.

We where half way there when somthing ramed into the side of me it was a grayish black wolf with a Dimond on its chest the mark of the kings worriers thats what the Dimond ment but why are they all the way out here.

It was ovisly a man by the way he stud up tall.

He had me down by my leg it was in his massive jaw as he try ed to snap it in half but my brother Jona tackled the worrie wolf to the ground.

with the force of the hit to the Dimond wolfs side he let my leg free thanking Jona with a loud bark I kept running I made it to the pack house but stops as I did there was no one there it was as if they new we where here.

we were as quite as a mouse we made shre that our cent wad masked.

The rest of my pack got there and when they did the same as me they looked around for any sine of life but nothing

They were gone .

Like vanished in thin air

The boss is going to rip us apart.

We will get you little girl you can't hide for ever

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