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Alphas pov

The  rouges were all gone by the time we got back home leya was a sleep and I cared her to a spear room we had picked out for her.

Its an all green  room with a white twin size bed and white dresser and in the corner of the room a small doll house with a few little dolls .

I tucked her in to bed tired out the light and went down the hall to my room Lillith was alredy sleeping as was my boy.

I was looking through the pages of the book that fell on the ground just a second a go.

When I opend it up there was a note a dressed to the alpha me but why.

Dear Alpha

I am so pleased to inform  you that your dear beloved princess was found the other night we were walking through the wood when we came apon a body and be for your freak out no it was not a dead body but at the time we had no idea she was your little lily we have only meet here about three time in her life when she was born her sixth birthday party  and the day we found her all blooded up with apsalutly no mormry of her past.
We are sorry we took her to the other pack befor we took her to you we had no idea she was your princess. The pack didn't know a know to call her so I'll give you the name they called her by. Her Name is Le.......

The letter was never finished  I took the book and letter to my seat where I started to read it. Thinking back to the day I last let an alpha in to my office.

About two weeks ago I think it was I left him alone for more the an hour to take car of the rogues  that were hunting down the little angle I have  come to know and love.

The truth is he did seam off when I said sonthing about my baby girl being dead.

"What does Le meen".

"Le Le Le Le what could it meen".

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks Le if I just add the ya to the end of that many that's it.

L-e-y-a that is it she is the one she's my baby girl but she look so different  from the others it's scary how can that be.

The fact that she was in my house the hole time makes me so mad.

Okay cool off cool off you got this.

I went to my room where my mate is sleeping  and craled in to bed where sleep took over .

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