46- Otis: She's Been Here

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"You've been here before." The girl smirked, then she furrowed her brows, "Haven't you?"

Dalta shook her head. She paused. "Wait." She walked up to the desk. "You've seen me here before. Was my name Betty?"

"I think so-"

"Yeah," I grinned. "It was. Look." I pointed at Betty's name.

Her eyes grew. "She's been here." Dalta sighed. "Thank God."

"Who's been here?" Penny looked at the book. "Betty?"

"Yes!" Dalta looked at the girl. "Did she come here alone?"

"No," the girl shook her head. "She came here a few weeks ago with this blonde guy. Really good looking."

"Ethan. How long did they stay?"

"A night," I looked at the log in. "And it was a while back." I sighed.

"What, Otis?" Dalta grinned. "At least, we know she's been here."

"It's not like we have a lead on where she is-"

"Oh, she's far from here." The girl took the book. "She and the guy ran away after a night. They didn't sleep. She was in here with me half her stay."

Dalta leaned over the desk. "What did she tell you?"

"That they're running away from someone," the girl folded her arms. "Are you that someone?"

"No," Dalta giggled.

"Are you running from something too?" She lifted her brows.

Penny and I glanced at each other.

"No," Dalta smiled," again. We're her friends. We're looking for her. We want to bring her home."

"Is it safe for her? Because from what I heard-"

"It's...," Dalta nodded. "It will be."

"What have you heard?" I furrowed my brows feeling a lump of fear in my throat.

"Enough to understand why she's running. I gave you guys your key. Room seventeen. Enjoy your stay-"


We all flinched and turned to the door, me grabbing Dalta and pulling her down to the floor. Penny ran to the corner of the room and the girl just shook her head. Todd stood with his hands on his head and his mouth wide open. He was staring at the girl.

"Seriously, man?" I slowly stood, helping Dalta up.

He pointed at the girl. "Her eyes-"

"Are perfectly fine," the girl said lifting a brow. "But one of yours won't be if you don't LEAVE!"

Todd ran out of the room. I handed Dalta the key. She walked out with Penny.

The girl folded her arms. "That threat was for all of you."

"I know." I sighed and shut my eyes. "Look," I opened my eyes, "I know this might sound crazy, but we're running too."

She shoved the book under the desk squinting at me. "That's not what your doppelganger girlfriend just told me."

"She doesn't know." I frowned. "I don't want her to know."

"What? Does she panic or something?"

I chuckled. "No. I mean, she'll panic. But not because she's afraid. She'll wanna go back even though our lives are in danger."

"Sounds to me like your girlfriend's a piece of work."

I chuckled. "She is... But I'm harder to put up with. Betty? The girl we're looking for? They grew up together. And after she ran away, Dalta started going after the people who made her run away in the first place. Now we're running from the same people."

The girl stared at me. "That's...Wow. So, what does Dalta think you're doing at a motel?"

"Staying the night. She thinks we're looking for Betty. Technically we are. But she's not important right now. Protecting Dalta is. And I need to find a good place to keep her."

"And what happens when she realizes you're all running?"

I stared at the counter. "I honestly don't know."

The girl sighed. "Stay the night." She picked up her phone. "Tomorrow, I'll give you an address to another motel a few minutes away. Tell your girlfriend that that's where Betty is."

"Is it?"

"No. But she's been there. Trust me."

I nodded. "Thank you."

"No problem. I know what it's like to run from something." She showed me a scar on her shoulder. It looked like a hole had been there.


"Yep. Shot in the shoulder. My dad has anger issues. Shot at my mom once to scare her, but it got me... I was a kid. My mother was an idiot. She covered it up." She shoved her arms under the desk then took out a shot gun and slammed it on the counter.

My eyes grew.

"Ran away from home. Took this just in case he shows up again." The girl looked down. "My father wasn't a bad guy."

I was about to tell her that it didn't sound like it to me.

"He wanted what was best for his family but was a coward. I don't plan on killing him if I see him again. I've already forgiven him. But when anger runs your life...you become blind...you become a different person."

I furrowed my brows. I got angry, but anger didn't run my life...

"I know what Betty is going through. I ran away with a gun. She's running away with a baby. I had something to protect myself, but she... She has nothing. I hope you find her."

I nodded. "I hope so too."

"Let me know if you guys need anything. And tell your friend I'll see him tomorrow morning."

I chuckled and shook my head. "I will." I walked out of the check-in and started making my way to our room. Room seventeen.

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