41- Dalta: Swollen Heart

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Otis flinched and sat up on the seat. He held his cheek. "Owe...Oh no," he turned to me.

"Morning," I smiled at him, taking a bite out of my ice cream sandwich.

"I hit him," he put his hands on his face. "I can't believe I did that."

"Really? You, anger management one o' one, can't believe you hit someone?"

He groaned, his head slamming against the seat. He still seemed light. "What happens now?"

"What do you mean?"

"I hit this guy. If he's really apart of some cult then-"

I gulped. I wanted to tell him the truth. After Ethan confirmed that Peter hadn't gone through with it, I promised myself I would.

"-he's probably going to try to kill us or something. Like...we're toast."

"I think it would take more than that for him to try to kill us... Why were you there?"

"For Taylor."

"Be honest."

He sighed. "I wanted to make sure nothing happened to you."

I blushed and covered my mouth with my ice cream sandwich.

"Because...you're my best friend...and I..." He turned to me. "Ice cream. Where'd you get it?" He looked out the window. "And why are we parked?"

"You're drunk. I wanted to let you sober up a bit before we go home. Even watched a movie on my phone."  I opened the plastic bag. "And I bought you a bag of popcorn." I handed it to him.

"Thanks." His eyes narrowed. "You don't have your driver's permit."

I shrugged.

"And you're driving my car? Dalta."

"You were drunk and we were on the run from a mob of frat boys-"

"I'm sober now."

"Which one's worse? Driving without a permit, or driving drunk?"

He unbuckled my seat belt then looked at me with low brows. "I don't know what's gotten into you. Is it me? Am I the bad boy who's influenced you to drive without a license?"

I shook my head and smiled. Then my smile faded. "Hey, uhm..." I turned to him. I gulped. I wanted to tell him that I didn't want to be with him, just in case Peter hadn't spoken to Ethan. I had to cut Otis out of everything completely. He couldn't be involved. I was going to tell him. But different words came out of my mouth. "You seem really mad about Taylor... Were you really into her?"

He looked away and shrugged. "Yeah...I guess-"

"Even after everything she did to me?"

He looked at me. "Dalta, come on-"

"No." I shook my head. "It's obvious that you have bad taste. You like girls regardless of the bad things they do to other people."

"No, I don't."

"Just...climb over. I'm not stepping out into the road." I looked at him.

He was glaring at me. "Fine."

I climbed into the backseat and he climbed over to the driver's seat. He looked at me in the mirror. "Usually, I would shout at you and play along with whatever it is you're making a scene about." He shook his head. "But I'm too tired to get mad at you right now and I know that something's up with you."

I frowned then looked out the window.

We pulled into the street. After a few minutes of quiet, he started up again. "Honestly. You would never bring something like that up out of the blue. It's like you're always looking for a reason to shut my out." He stared at the road. "I just don't get you."

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