29- Dalta: Ran Over

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I didn't want to face Otis. Something didn't feel right about how he looked at me. He was guilty. I stayed up trying to convince myself that nothing was wrong and that he didn't do anything with Taylor. But deep down I knew the truth. I decided to walk to school since I had no friends but Todd. It was a long walk, but I was determined to learn how to be independent. Maybe my parents might've bought me a car if I had continued that way. They would see me trying and say "Oh, Dalta! Wonderful job walking to school for just one morning. Here's a car so you wouldn't have to." I know it wouldn't go like that, but my chances of getting a car for walking every morning were high.

I walked down the sidewalk with my head down squeezing the straps of my bag. My music was on low so I could keep alert. As I walked, I noticed a car driving slowly beside me; a red car. I kept my head straight ahead and slowly reached for my phone. My fingers barely held it; trembling as I slipped it out of my pocket. I gulped and took out my phone texting Todd. I walked into the road looking down at my phone. The road was wide enough and there was no light because the road was a dead end. But the car swung in my direction. I flinched and dropped my phone, my headphones yanking off of my head. My body flung on to the ground and I watched the red car speed past me, inches away from my feet.

I laid flat on the ground with my hand on my chest. My heart pounded my chest screaming from shock. I turned my head towards the car. It made a turn and was heading back towards me FAST. I quickly grabbed my broken phone and stood, picking up my bag, then sprinted towards the sidewalk. Tears burned my eyes, but I didn't have time to cry. The car drove beside me again and the window began to roll down. A girl in a rabbit mask pointed a rifle at me.

I screamed and dropped to the ground holding my head. She laughed this disturbing, hyena-like cackle. The car drove away, but I stayed on the ground afraid to even let out a breath. I looked at a little girl standing on the front porch of the house I was next to. She was staring with her eyes as wide as golf balls. She began to weep and dropped her backpack and lunch kit, running back into the house.

I gulped and slowly stood taking out my phone. My fingers cut from the broken screen. The phone wasn't working. The girl's mother ran out of the house. She darted towards me. "Are you okay?"

I stood trembling.

"Oh God," she said rubbing my shoulders. "You're shaking. Do you need me to call the police?"

I shook my head. "It's...," I took a deep breath feeling myself on the brink of panic. "I'm fine."

"No, you're not-"

"I said I'm fine!"

She stared at me.

I slowly shook her hands off my shoulders and stumbled away. I couldn't believe what had just happened. I wasn't even sure. I just knew that I couldn't tell the police. I mean...how would I explain it? I wasn't even sure what it was anymore. But that red car and that rabbit mask only pointed to one person. I began to march down the sidewalk. I was going to murder Taylor.

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