26- Dalta: Threatened

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There's something Otis didn't know about me. I mean...he didn't know a lot about me, but...this... This was different. I walked down the hallway feeling not quite like myself. I was having one of my days. I'd had them a lot, but that day it felt different; like I couldn't hide it.

The air felt still...like nothing around me moved -but like everything did at the same time...like really fast. It's hard to explain that feeling; everything's so loud, but so quiet. It felt like nothing, but like everything at the same time. I wished I could go back home...stay in bed all day...on a bed made of clouds.

I looked at the other students as I walked, but it didn't seem to register in my brain that I was looking at anyone...anything. I hadn't noticed Taylor walking towards me until she bumped my shoulder. It woke me up. I rubbed my shoulder and turned back to look at her. She glared at me as she walked backwards. Unable to say anything to her, I looked around for Otis. I wasn't sure if he'd gotten to school yet, because I hadn't gone to Penny's that morning like I usually did. My parents had been giving me rides to school every day since Penny and I had fallen out. I hadn't spoken to her in while in fact. I didn't sit with our friends either. They didn't like me so what was the sense?

Otis stood by his locker with Todd. He had already found him. I was about to walk over to them when a girl stood in front of me. I had never seen her around school before. She wasn't from our school. She was from a private school. I could tell by the uniform she wore; pleated navy-blue skirt, white blouse, and blue sweater vest. She grinned, but it was obviously forced. Her eyes said it all; fear, anger...a hint of hatred. She tucked her blonde strands behind her ears and titled her head looking down at me. "Delta, right?" She pointed at my forehead as if she was reminding me that I was below her in not only height.

I peeped over her shoulder at Otis. He was staring at us through squints. He put his hand on Todd's arm and said something to him, then he started walking towards me and the girl with clenched fists.

"Hello," the girl said, giggling and waving her hand in my face. "Earth to Delta-"

"My name's not-"

"Hey." Otis stood beside me holding my hand. I quickly pulled it away.

He looked at me with furrowed brows, then he turned to the girl, face to face with her in height. "Do you need something?"

"No." She shrugged and shook her head, her shoulder-length blonde hair swaying on her shoulders. "I'm just here to talk to her." She pointed at me, her finger moving loosely, bouncing back in her direction as if it were pointing at dog crap on the floor.

"And who is she?" He asked her sternly, folding his arms.

She looked at me with an open mouth, choking on her words. "Uh ...-D-Delta-"

He scoffed. "That's not her name."

The girl squinted at him. "Yes, it is-"

"No, it isn't." He looked at me. "Is that your name?"

I shook my head. "N-no-"

"No. It isn't." He looked at her again. "I'm guessing you're late for school."


"Bye." He waved at her, with a fake smile on his face.

The girl seemed surprised. She looked at me one more time, then she walked away. I turned around to see her stop by Taylor. They whispered to each other, staring at me, then they walked away. Taylor leaned close to her as they walked, telling her things then looking back at me.

"Are you okay?" Otis touched my arm with wide angry eyes.

I shrugged him off. "You have to ask Taylor out again. Like date her."

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