Day 8 part 4

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Day 8 part 4

The doctors and nurses carefully cleans my wounds on my face and my wrists. Everyone else waited outside patiently.

They wouldn't have had to see me die like this. I still didn't see why they came after me. There was no reason for it when there is nothing that can save me.

I flinched whenever the workers touched the wounds. The pain shocked me and made me shake.

When they finally finished, I turned my head to look outside at the dark sky. The window was covered in ice, and the snow had finally calmed down. I looked past the snow, and stared at the towns Christmas tree. It was bright. The colors and lights made my body calm down.

I didn't even noticed that everyone came back into the room until Marissa asked if I was alright. I simply nodded my head while looking at the tree.

"Sorry I ruined your guy's Christmas. I didn't want to get in the way like this." I tried to say.

"You never ruined our Christmas, we're just glad that your still alive. If you had died on the mountain, that would have destroyed our Christmas spirit." She said.

That's when I chuckled. The first laugh I've had in such a long time, and the only reason why I smiled was because of the fact that everything made sense now.

"I get it now. Everyone has to be cared about, no matter the person or situation. You can risk your life for someone else. That's the true meaning of friendship. I've been so lost in my own mind that I haven't excepted anyone. Have I been blinded this whole time?" I asked myself.

There was no answer to my question, and no comment on my speech. It seemed as if everyone agreed with me.

I closed my eyes so that I could get some sleep. I couldn't help but smile in the process. I was happy for the first time in so many years, and yet, it's because Brian showed what happiness was again.

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