Day 4 part 2

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Day 4 part 2

Brian left a few hours before I had to leave. He said that something important had come up. In my opinion, I think he just went for a walk to have some time alone. It is hard to lose a family member, especially someone that was close to you.

I stared at myself in the mirror of my bathroom. Then I looked down at the letter that was from my mother. I re-read it over and over again. Every single word felt so real to me. The only part that didn't get me was why she faked her own death. Did she wait till father finally left and has been watching me this whole time? Or was she not aloud to come back? These thoughts went through my head each minute I spent reading the note.

I finally decided to leave the bathroom and leave to the meeting spot. I clenched the letter in my hands, like I would if I held my mothers hand.

I walked out the door and locked it. I left the apartment complex faster than usual. I was too anxious to see her, but scared at the same time. Its been so many years now that I might not be able to recognize her. Then again, what if she doesn't come, then what would I do?

I was a few minutes away from the restaurant, I looked at a clock that was in a clock shop. I was a little late, but I'm sure she wouldn't mind.

Once I finally made it to the restaurant, I began to search for her. That's when I heard a familiar voice. I sped up my pace to see if it was her, but only stopped at what I had seen. I stayed hidden so that I wouldn't be noticed. But I spoke to myself silently.

"Brian and Marissa? But why are they..." I wasn't able to finish my sentence. Tears overwhelmed my eyes and pain went through my throat. The only stood there, watching. Then Brian finally pushed Marissa off. That's when they both looked at me. Being noticed I only turned away and ran. I heard Brian call my name, but I never went back.

I just kept running. While I ran home, the rain that fell from he sky poured down my face along with my tears. I felt my whole body go numb, but I just kept going. I knew that if I stopped, Brian would give me an lie of what I saw.

When I made it home, Brian chased me up the stairs. I didn't know he was following me until now.

"Wait Mona, please stop." he asked.

"No!" I made it to my door. I unlocked it and quickly ran in. He wouldn't let me shut my door, so I headed for my bedroom. I was able to shut the door and keep it shut. He pounded on the door calling my name.

"Mona, please, It was a misunderstanding." He said, but those words didn't feel like the truth. I knew he would betray me.

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