"I can't wait to see her," Castiel says quietly. "It's been ages."

"I know, right?" she says. "I think Lucifer's taking a nap, too, but he told me he wanted to see you guys, so I'm going to go wake him up. You guys want to wait at the kitchen table, maybe?"

Dean and Castiel head to the kitchen, sitting side by side with Dean's hand resting absentmindedly on Castiel's thigh.

"It's so weird to think this isn't my house anymore," Castiel says quietly. "It's not even kind of my house like it was when my brothers lived here. It's just Lucifer's family's house."

"Oh my god, you're right," Dean says. "I didn't even think about that."

"I guess I kinda replaced it with your house, though, so I still have three houses," Castiel says.

"You say that so casually," Lucifer remarks, walking into the kitchen with Claire by his side. "'Oh, yeah, I've got three houses, no big deal.'"

Castiel chuckles. "Hi, Lucifer."

"Bonjour, mi amigos," Lucifer says with a grin. "It's been a while."

"Did you just combine French and Spanish?" Dean asks, amused.

"And English," Lucifer says. "Can't forget 'bout the mother language."

"Speaking of 'mother,'" Castiel says, "How's parenting treating you two?"

"It's exhausting and I miss sleep," Lucifer deadpans.

Claire shakes her head at him. "It's actually a lot of fun. She's starting to sleep normally instead of waking up a billion times every night, so we finally get to sleep, too."

"It's a miracle!" Lucifer whispers loudly.

"Do we get to meet her soon?" Castiel asks.

"As soon as she wakes up," Claire replies. "Which will be any minute now."

"How do you know when she's awake?" Dean asks.

"She starts crying," Lucifer replies, just moments before Alex starts crying.

"And that's my cue," Claire says. "I'll be right back."

She upstairs to Michael's old room, which is apparently now Alex's, according to Lucifer. It would make sense; it's right next to Lucifer and Claire's, assuming they're both in Lucifer's room.

The crying stops, and there's a bit of a pause before Claire and Alex appear in the hallway. Alex toddles down the hall, Claire following close behind her.

Alex has grown a lot in the last year and a half. She's walking on her own with no problem, however slow it may be. She's lost the typical 'fat blob of skin' look that many babies have, almost starting to take the shape of a normal human being underneath her cute cat dress. Her thin black hair has grown out a bit, now reaching all the way down to her shoulders. Castiel can doorway tell she's going to be beautiful when the grows up.

She stops walking when she sees Dean and Castiel, just looking at them curiously.

"Hi," Castiel says in his Baby Voice™, hoping to win her trust. He gives her a small wave.

Alex just stares at him.

"Those are your uncles," Claire tells her in her Baby Voice™. "Wanna go say hi?"

Alex looks up at her, then turns around and starts to walk away.

Claire laughs. "Come on, Alex, don't be silly." She reaches down to the girl. "Hold my hand."

Alex looks up at her, then wraps her hand around Claire's finger.

"Come on," Claire says, leading her to the kitchen.

Alex lets go of her finger when they reach the kitchen table, instead reaching up to her father. Lucifer smiles sightly and picks her up, setting her feet down on the chair between his legs so she's facing Dean and Castiel. She turns around, babbling incoherently, and wraps her arms around his neck.

"She's so cute," Castiel says with a fond smile.

"I know, right?" Lucifer says. He presses a kiss to the top of her head, then picks her up to turn her around again. He sets her down on his lap, so she's facing Dean and Castiel again. In his Baby Voice™, he says, "Say hi to Uncle Castiel and Uncle Dean."

When she doesn't say anything, Castiel says, "Hi, Alex," in his quiet but excited Baby Voice™.

Alex just looks over at Claire.

"Does she know how to talk yet?" Castiel asks.

"A little bit, yeah," Lucifer says. "I think she's just shy."

"Dada," she says quietly, twisting her upper body to look at him.

"What is it?" Lucifer asks kindly.


"Do you want milk?" Lucifer asks.

Alex just nods.

"I bet Mama will bring you milk," Lucifer says, glancing at Claire, who nods. He mouths thank you before looking back down at the child in his lap. "Mama's bringing you milk, okay?"

Alex just looks up at him.

Claire pours out a small glass of milk and brings it over to them. She hands it to Alex carefully, and the toddler takes it, slowly bringing the cup to her lips.

"She doesn't use bottles?" Castiel says in surprise.

Lucifer shakes his head. "No, not for a while. She's using big girl cups now."

Alex leans forward and puts her cup down on the table. It starts to tip over, but Lucifer grabs it and quickly sets it upright.

"Better now?" Lucifer asks her.

Alex looks up at him, then leans back against him. She reaches up, grabbing at his face. Lucifer laughs and kisses her hands. "You're so cute."

Standing TogetherHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin