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Connor put his cigarette butt out, licking his fingertips before pressing the lit end out. He snickered when he remembered Jared burning himself on the cigarette trying to do the same. He slammed the front door behind him and wiped then slid his boots off. He walked through the living room, looking for Zoe, who was usually watching stupid and mindless sitcoms as she did her homework or wrote in a journal she never let Connor see. He turned off the TV seeing nobody in the room, and listened. No guitar music echoing from her room either.

"Cynthia! You said Zoe's home!" Connor called through the empty room. She walked in, tying her ginger hair back and wiping some sort of batter or food off of her hand.

"Her room," Cynthia sighed. "You actually need to look around, Connor."

"She's like, never silent in her room," Connor defended himself and raised his hands for the added affect. "You can't counter that; she always plays her weird indie music shit in her room."

Cynthia sighed and walked back to the kitchen as she told Connor, "Don't give her a hard time, alright? She's cramping up and she's tired."

Connor scoffed as he walked up to Zoe's room. He knocked and was greeted with a loud groan of incoherent swears and mumbles. "It's Connor." He heard her thump her head on the wall.

"Just come in," she sighed clearly this time.

He walked in to see Zoe in pajamas with headphones on, arms curled around her torso and knees up to her chest. He sat next to her, a good foot away, reached into his inside hoodie's pocket and took out a slightly bent box of tampons and a bag of warm color skittles. Zoe always ate only the warm colors of candies. It was a habit of hers since they were young, and it never faded once.

Zoe glances between the tampons and candies and Connor. "Thank you," she shyly mumbled.

"Three dollars for the skittles later," Connor shrugged and got up, walking out of the room with a small wave, leaving Zoe glancing to the candies and smiling slightly.

Rare, very rare occasions, Connor would be nice to his sister. He cared for her, yes, but he was also terrible at communicating that point to her. But small, small little acts, like sorting through skittles for her, showed her in a silent way that he's still her brother. Connor twisted his ring as he walked to his room, having a small urge to bust out the bong.

He ended up opening his one screenless window. Connor once removed it himself to get out of the house and the frame of the screen cracked on the fall down, so they never had the time to replace it. Connor never successfully snuck out via window, so his parents didn't really care about it. It was his room after all.

He was successful at climbing the short distance to the roof, though. His parents didn't know, and he didn't plan on them knowing. It was his small safe spot, where it seemed like nothing could ever hurt him.

Except bird shit.

That happened once.

He twirled his lighter between his three fingers before fishing out his pack and flicking the flame up. He lit it but took a bit of time to watch the flame, letting his thumb burn from being so close to it. It was weird he was thinking about Jared as he stared and let his finger burn. He could picture all his snarky and cocky-ass features in the flame before he lifted his thumb and let the flame go out quickly.

"Asshole," he muttered under his breath as he thought and took a drag.

Connor is edgy leave him be

Snippbit of connor actually being nice to his sister, this chapter will actually be referenced later on oop oops


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I'm thorsty bicth

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