The Ball 2 (Chapter Fourteen)

Start from the beginning

"What a beautiful night." Scott laughed as the irony of what I said hit him.

"Well it certainly is. Let's go back in shall we?"


We got in and dinner was already served. Some people were halfway into their meals. Scott stopped walking.

"Do you wanna get out of here?"


"Oh sorry - I didn't mean that kind of do you want to get out of here." He facepalmed.

"Haha okay. So what did you mean?"

"I meant like a place to eat."

"I could eat." I smiled.

"Okay, let's get out - sorry, go. Let's go!"


We got to a burger and fries fast food place which was almost empty save for an old man sipping coffee on a bar stool and reading a newspaper. We sat at a both in the corner, picked up the menus on the table and we waited for the waitress to take our orders.

She walked up to us and stood, staring at us a little awkwardly. Like she was thrown out of a daze, she shook her head twice.

"Hi, I'm Stephanie, what will you be ordering tonight?"

"I'd like a cheeseburger and um... spun vanilla milkshake with whipped cream." I said handing her the menu.

"And you?" She just batted her lashes at him. Wow Stephanie. Just wow. I rolled my eyes.

"I'll have what he's having. Thanks." He closed his menu and returned it.

After some minutes of waiting, our order came in. I was super famished. We took off our jackets.

"Can I please get extra napkins? I'm tryna protect the white." I asked Stephanie while she set our food down.

"Of course. I'll be right back." She went to the counter and brought Scott and I four napkins. I put one on my lap and the other in my neck.

We ate in silence. I caught Scott staring at me a couple of times and we exchanged smiles. It was a little funny because I always thought the corniness between couples on tv was all for show.

When we were done with our meals, Scott was staring at me intently. He didn't look away when I stared right back.


"I want to take you somewhere. Let's go."

Scott paid for our burgers and gave Stephanie a big tip. I smirked at that. We walked out of the place hand in hand.

I got to know that our chauffeur's name was Sergei. He drove us to a gymnasium which was evidently empty, Scott and I walked in.

"We shouldn't be here. What if there's some kind of alarm or the owners show up?"

"Well, the owner is around, that's for sure."

I took a step back, about to break in a run as I looked around. Scott started laughing.

"What's funny?! Lets go!" Shouting when you're trying to whisper isn't great. Trust me.

"I own it. Or well, my dad owns it. So it's technically mine."

"Ooh. So this is where you train?"


"Is this where, you know what, happened?"

"Yeah but I don't really like to dwell on that." A dark look crossed his face.

"That's alright."

I took a short walk around the place, touching different apparatuses. Everything was from gymnova.

"These are really nice." I said, pointing to the still rings.

"Hopefully, when I get back to training soon, I'll show you the ropes."

"Yeah, that's a no. I'd probably just watch."

"Okay that's fine by me. But how about you be my boyfriend?"

"Uhhh..." My brain equals gone.

"Don't leave me hanging..."

"Wha- how?! What the hell Scott?! You don't just throw questions like that around." He laughed and I hit his upper arm.

"Ow! And I can throw whatever I want wherever I want." He wriggled his eyebrows.

"Whatever happened to taking it very slow? Wow, umm... I'll say, you've gotta work for it mister! Two weeks. You've got two weeks to show me how much you want me. That's the only way I can consider your... proposal."

"That sounds like a fair deal, kind sir, given I messed up all those times. You're getting revenge on me, aren't you?"

"We'll see. So, deal?" I giggled.


A/N: Hey guys, it's me, Simon. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. I wanted you all to know that I probably won't be updating till some time in November. I'll be going for a 3-week long military training camp. Wish me luck :)

Love, Simon.

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