The sitting man finally twirled his chair around to face everyone in the room. Yueyue could hear the gasps of some employees before the room was engulfed in whispers. His face did not show any emotions which made Yueyue shuddered a little.

"Why is Dylan here?"

"Why is he sitting at the head of the table?"

"What's happening?"

Dylan coldly smiled when he heard all of the whispers which were a tad too loud.

"Why I'm sitting here should be the least of your concerns today," Dylan coldly said. He then stood up and put both of his hands on the table before he scanned around the room with his serious expression.

"It appears to me that there is a traitor in our hotel," Dylan started, which made many people gasped.

"That person has sold our hotel top secret to our enemy," Dylan slowly said, "We almost lost an important deal because of that." His eyes then fell on a person before he turned back to look at the projector.

"I would suggest that person to come clean with everyone here now," he turned his head to the side and gave that person a side-eye, "Maybe the consequence won't be as bad."

"This is the last warning," Dylan coldly said with his eyes fixed on the projector, "My spy has already got the evidence against that person, so everything will be unfolded on the screen."

Everyone began to look at each other, but none came out to say anything.

"Look like we have no choice but to find out this way then," Dylan let out an exaggerated sigh and sat down on his chair. He signaled the strange man who was likely to be his spy to play what's inside the USB.

Everyone held their breath, as they were looking at the screen. The projector started to display what looked like a CCTV footage. In that footage, they could see a person coming out of the archive with a document in hand and looked left and right as if afraid of getting caught. In the next clip, that person sneakily came back to put the document back in the room. However, the footages were too blurred to figure out who that person was. The next things were the ones that triggered everyone's gradual shock. A series of photos were shown: a man waiting at the coffee shop, a person came to give something to the man, and a person opened the door to walk out of the coffee shop. The last photo was the one that caught everyone off guard. That person looked at the direction of the camera, and the face could clearly be seen.

"Yueyue?" someone exclaimed.

"Yueyue's the traitor?"

"I knew it! She's not as innocent as she looks!"

Yueyue froze in her spot. Her brain could not process what was going on. Why did she suddenly become a traitor? What's happening?

"Yueyue, how dare you do that?" her director exclaimed. Yueyue snapped out of her thought and looked at him. She was overwhelmed with confusion.

"What do you mean, director? That was your order!" Yueyue tried to explain, "You told me to make a copy of that document! You told me it's a top secret, so we have to make a backup. You called me with that private number and told me to give-"

"You're even trying to frame me now?" her director interrupted and pretended to gasp.

"Yueyue, I never thought that you were this kind of person," her co-worker said.

"I'm not a traitor!" Yueyue shouted. She could feel her tears rolling down her cheek although she had been trying hard not to cry.

"Dylan, you have to believe me!" Yueyue desperately said with tears. She looked at Dylan, but he was still sitting with his back facing everyone and said nothing.

"Dylan, the proof is right there on the screen," one co-worker said.


Everyone was taken aback when Dylan—who had been quiet—suddenly shouted.

"Everyone, please leave this room for now. We'll need to further investigate this issue." He said without looking at anyone.

"But Dylan, that's already a clear evidence," one co-worker said.

"Yes, we should take immediate action for our hotel," Yueyue's director said.

Dylan finally twirled his chair around. He shot a death glare at the director and said through his gritted teeth, "I. Said. Enough." His voice was full of venom.

"EVERYONE. LEAVE. NOW!" he shouted again, giving a cold glare to the attendees. Everyone had no choice but to get out of the room as quickly as they could.

Yueyue was still standing in the same spot. There were only her and Dylan in the room now. She slowly walked toward him, but he already closed his eyes and leaned back on his chair.

"Dylan, you have to believe me," Yueyue touched his shoulder, trying to hold her tears.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Dylan asked with his eyes still closed.

"I-," Yueyue stuttered.

"Why didn't you tell me, Yue? Those two times at the archive and near that coffee shop...I asked you, didn't I?" Dylan finally opened his eyes and turned his chair to look straight at her. He reached out his hand to wipe her tears with his thumb, but Yueyue felt suffocated under his gaze. She could see anger...disappointment...pain...and...coldness in his eyes.

"I didn't want to bother you! You were busy with your work and your auction project! I thought I could handle that alone. And He told me that it's top-secret. He told me not to tell anyone," Yueyue's voice came out like a whisper.

Dylan dropped his hand and stood up, "Am I just... 'anyone' to you? The one you can't trust?"

Yueyue frantically shook her head. He was more than that to her. He was important.

"I made a bet. I was betting with my own instinct," Dylan looked straight into her eyes, "That there's no way you would be involved in this thing." He raised one hand to caress her cheek. It's supposed to be a normal heart-warming gesture, but Yueyue felt none of that.

"But I was wrong," Dylan whispered before his eyes went cold, and he immediately walked past her to the meeting room door. Yueyue felt her heart clenched. She was panicking. It's not supposed to be this way.

"Dylan! Please trust me! I don't care what the world thinks of me! Only you matter!" Yueyue shouted, "Please trust me!". Her tears were now flowing down her cheeks. She could no longer hold them in.

Dylan stopped on his track.

"You still don't get it, do you? The problem here is not about me, not trusting you," Dylan said with his back facing her, "It's about you, not trusting me." He then walked out of the room without even giving her a final glance. Yueyue clenched her chest and cried her heart out. She felt as if her world had completely crashed down.


The angst is coming~ T-T I have a soft spot for YY that it pains me to make her cry.

But on the bright note, we'll get real-life DD and YY buddy moments tomorrow!! *fingers-crossed* It's gonna be the best birthday gift ever! The next three days are actually a public holiday in my country, but I'll be away for my birthday and family trip... If I can't update during the holiday, the new chapter may come on Thursday! :D Hope you enjoy this chapter! Until then, take care! Good night! 😘😘😘 or Good day to some of you! 

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