Chapter 25 - The Dinner (Part 2) ✔

Start from the beginning

"No Steph it's fine I'll answer her, Ziara is it okay if I answer?" Kiara asks Zee and she just nods this is obviously a sensitive topic for them and I could kill this bitch.

"Okay well long story short, Ziara's mother died giving birth to her and our father met my mother whose a Latina a few months later and they hit it off and a year and half later I arrived and they were happily married for over 16 years when they both died in a car accident on their way home one night, and since then it's only been the two of us and these 2 crazy girls which we consider our family." She answers and everyone around the table is quiet and I can see my father looking a bit guilty for his toy's actions.

"I'm sorry to hear about you're parents" my father says breaking the silence.

"Thank you" Kiara and Zee replies and we all are silent again.

"How long have you two been together?" Sara asks yet again. And I really want to slam my fist through her face but I don't hit women even if it's scum like her, my mamma would turn in her grave if I ever lay a hand on a woman, eventough I did lose my shit with her just this morning.

"What is you're problem, would you back the fuck up!" Aurora says obviously feeling the tension in the room.

"Shut up! you fucking albino, I wasn't talking to you!" Sara says to Aurora childishly and I could see fire in Aurora's eyes. But before anyone could say anything we were all stunned by who answers.

"Listen here you fucking trouble maker, I have had enough of you! I could handle all the shit you throw my way but I won't allow you to mistreat my friends or sit here and listen to you speak to my family that way! What is you're damn problem huh?! Do you want Stephano?! Because it's clear that you want all the Romano men to yourself..." Kiara shouts when she jumped up from her seat and I've never seen her this pissed.

"Watch th-" Sara interrupted but she was cut off by Kiara, banging her hand on the table.

"I'm not fucking finished! SO SHUT THE FUCK UP, BEFORE I SHUT YOU UP!!! Can't you see that these guys are trying hard to make an effort to work things out with their father so they can have him in their life?! But here you sit trying to start some shit as you know as well as everyone here that you picking on me, will piss off Stephano which will cause trouble between him and his dad... You are fucking sick and whatever you're fucking game is, I won't allow you to disrespect anyone here tonight or any other fucking day while you're here! So I suggest you sit there, nurse you're glass of wine and shut the fuck up and quit trying to rock the boat because if you haven't noticed, you never fuck with a pregnant woman and her food." Kiara says and the guys burst out laughing, myself included but at the same time I'm hard as hell. She's HOT when she's angry, I LOVE IT!

"Don't fucking pretend like you give a shit about their relationship, you clearly have a motive and all the men here are clearly blind! You're a gold digging whore that's after his empire but I won't allow you to use my step son as his being blinded by you're devious ways! I know these boys since they were young and I'll be damned if I sit back and watch you and you're posse of whores walk in here and use you're sexuality to rip these guys off!" Sara yells back and before I could say anything or react Zee does.

"YOU BITCH!!!" Zee screams and the next thing you know she flies over the table and grabs Sara's neck and throws punch after punch at her face after she got a few in we only acted by pulling them apart and surprisingly my father didn't even flinch, he sat there and let it happen.

"You fucking street rat! Ant see what this bitch did to my face!" Sara cries out looking for my dad's sympathy and he doesn't look bothered by it one bit. The whole dinning room is so loud with all the yelling and shouting and swearing everywhere and I've had it!

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