touchdowns and curfews pt 1 • erik

Start from the beginning

"You seem very happy with Killmonger. What's the secret?" She asked. Your best friend was very pretty with light brown eyes and a chirpy, cheerful persona. She was a lighter shade of brown, "light skin" you could say, with a short, curly pixie cut.

"He just makes me that way," you reply feeling sunny talking about the man of your dreams.

"Nessa," she said with her arms crossed over her chest, "it's something that's been keeping you so happy all the time."

"What, I can't be happy?" You ask looking at her with a smile.

Her eyes squinted and she leaned in really close and whispered, "It's the dick ain't it?"

"Shilo!" Your eyes widened and you looked away from her smirking face.

"It is!" She laughed and giggled at your reaction, until you rolled your eyes and said, "Alright, alright, get back in formation."

She wasn't wrong. The dick was bomb.

The game kept moving and you and your girls kept cheering. It felt as if as time went on, Erik kept getting touchdown after touchdown.

"Touchdown! Number 1, Erik Killmonger!"

"Interception by Killmonger and... TOUCHDOWN BY KILLMONGER!"

"Number 1, Erik Killmonger, with ANOTHER touchdown!"

"Touchdown made by Erik Killmonger!"

"One more touchdown, Erik Killmonger!"

By the end of the night, Erik got 10 touchdowns. They beat the Eagles and went back into the locker room jumping and cheering at their victory.

Erik's POV

My team and I ran off the field into the locker room pretty pleased and upbeat, so I guess you could call it a good day. They actually lifted me up and held me high like a trophy, chanting my name while they clapped and shouted. It was cool, I guess, but it was nothing compared to seeing Nessa cheer for me in her cute little skirt.

"Alright, alright settle down," said the head coach as he walked in behind all of us. The papers of stats in his hand were crinkling in the silence as he looked through them, and everyone watched.

"Killmonger," He said in a serious tone.

"Yes coach," I answered loudly.

"What the hell did you call that?" He said in a grave spirit. His eyes looked at me sternly, almost angrily. Everyone looked around, confused as to why he was so angry with me. Quite frankly, I was a little confused myself.

"You scored 10 touchdowns. That's the greatest damn football playin' I've seen in my entire life boy."

Suddenly coach's eyes softened and he started to laugh, which was something he rarely did. My teammates started to roar and howl in excitement for me, clapping and yelling wildly once again. I couldn't help but smile, as all the guys came at me and started rubbing my head and patting my back and shoulders. My smile is wide, but I look down humbly, happy for my position on the team.

"You know what?" Coach said with a lingering smile that didn't seem to go away, "tonight, curfew is 1:30, have a some fun tonight boys."

A guy named Adrian looked at a clock hanging on the wall of the locker room and said, "Coach, its only 7 o'clock."

"I know boy, y'all got a lot of time, go have fun before I change my mind."

Everyone hurriedly puts their stuff away running outside, but not forgetting to thank coach on the way out.

On my way outside coach said, "Really nice job tonight kid, you've got a gift."

"Thank you coach, have a nice night." After that, I ran out looking for my girl.

Nessa's POV

The cheerleaders all started chattering amongst themselves happily and I had no idea what was going on.

"Shilo," I ask a little puzzled, "why is everyone so happy?"

"Because," she said delighted, "because of Erik's performance tonight, their coach said their curfew is 1:30!"

My eyes widened, "1:30? Holy shit, that's a lot of time." Shilo looked at her phone and said, "Yeah, and it's only 7:00! Sadly, our coach said we have to be in at 12:30, but I'm not complaining!"

"What are you gonna do?" I asked her.

"I'm gonna PARTY!" She jumped happily. "What about you?"

"I don't really know, I don't have any homework, so I've never had this much free time on my hands. I'm sure I'll make the most of it though." I smile.

"I'm boutta get wasted. You don't wanna come party with me?" She said wiggling her eyebrows weirdly.

"No, you weirdo." I laugh at her bizarre character. "Just make sure you get home safely, call me if there's ANY problems okay?"

"Alright," She hugged me and kissed my cheek, something I hated.

"Yuck!" I say rushing to wipe it off. "Why would you do that?" She only laughs at me all dazed and discombobulated. She grabbed her things before waving at me.

"Bye Nessa, love you!" She says before running off with some friends.

"Love you too, text me!" I say back.

I turn around to get my stuff, but all of a sudden, I feel hands grip my waist and lift me up high into the air and spin me around like a carnival ride. I look down to see who's doing this, even though I already have a clue. His eyes sparkle while he looks at me and his ivory teeth grab ahold of his bottom lip. My face instantly lights up when I see him, especially this joyful. He puts my down after a couple spins and hugs me.

"Hi baby," I say wrapping my arms around him.

"What's up beautiful?" He replies, his lips firm against the crook of my neck.

"Nothing, you played awesome tonight. And you looked amazing doing it." I told him truthfully, breaking the hug to look at his handsome face.

"Oh really? Well you looked so good over here, I could barely focus on what I was doing." He smiled, the dimples in his cheeks becoming evident.

"Sure," you say jokingly, "but anyway, what are we gonna do with all this time?"

"You tell me," he said licking his lips.

hey guys, I hope you had an awesome thanksgiving! sorry for keeping you waiting, I have had some much on my plate with basketball, projects, homework, and clubs, but I'm so happy to write for you guys! Don't worry this is only part one, the next part will most likely be filled with smut, so you've been warned >:) Tell me if you like this down here in the comments though! Love you guys so so much! 🥰🥰🥰

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