"Hey, where have you been all day, thot?" She asked Hailey.

Rowan and I stood behind Hailey awkwardly.


What a weird term.

Rowan was picking up her mess and gathering her things as they spoke.

I fiddled with my bottle.

"Today's been nuts." Hailey said nonchalantly.

That's the understatement of the century.

"Coach said I have to wear my uniform for tomorrow's assembly so I need to do that whole bun braid thing. Could you do my hair in the am?" Nikki asked.

Now Rowan was standing behind Hailey waiting for them to finish talking.

I finished off my water and stood up as well.

"I-um-I don't think I can." Hailey stuttered out.

Nikki gave her puppy dog eyes.

"I need you." She said pleading with Hailey.

"You can do it. YouTube it." Hailey said.

Hailey then turned to Rowan and I.

"I've gotta get to class."

She said and took off. 

Nikki's eyes flickered to Rowan and myself.

Nikki locked eyes with Rowan and just kept her resting bitch face on.

I'm not sure what Rowan looked like but I didn't like Nikki's face at the moment.

The bell rang.

Rowan glanced at me and nodded a bye to me.

I nodded back and she left.

Then Nikki's eyes went on me.

"You're gonna be late." She said giving me a small smug smile.

I smiled back and began walking to class.

I dislike her so strongly.


The classes were agonizingly slow.

Especially since all I could think about what this situation.

Who's doing this?


I can't help but worry about everyone I can about.

My mom, the girls, even Mick and Brandon.

Suddenly my phone went off.

I looked around to see no one looking and pulled it out.

It was a private message from monkey man.

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