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Jeff's POV:

It's been a whole year since I saw ____. I found out that Toby was the one that convinced her to go. After beating him to a pulp, I decided to track her, or, in some other peoples cases, stalk her. I asked Ben to find her friends', aunts', uncles', and grandparents' addresses. Then I asked EJ if he could find information on them. Luckily, he was able to find out everything about ____. Now I know her favorite color, song, food, anything.

EJ also told me her school name. That's where I'm headed right now. It's 12:36, so she might be eating lunch or something.

As I walk up the concrete path to the front of the school, I spot her. It was easy, since she still had on EJ's old, bright blue sweatshirt.

She was leaning against a tree, talking to a girl. Her eyes glance over to me, and her face falls in shock. She whispers something to her friend, and then she walks over to me, with her frightened friend tagging along.

"Jeff... What are you doing here?" she says.

"I... I miss you. ____..." I try to speak, but I end up grabbing her by the shoulders, freaking her friend out even more.

"____! ____ please come back to the mansion with me! Everyone misses you! I miss you! I need you! Forget about school! Forget about your friends! Please... Come home with me."

"No, Jeff. I can't abandon my friends and family!" She raises her voice in anger.

"We are your family! We are your real family! We're your friends! Please... Please just come home! I can't live without you anymore! It's tearing my insides apart! I miss you! Please... Come home!"

At this point, we're both screaming at each other. Her friend is dialing 911, but I didn't notice until I heard police sirens.

"____ come on! One last chance! Please...! I can't live without you..." Tears keep sliding down my cheeks, and into my slit mouth. I am literally on my knees begging for her to leave with me.

"Jeff, no! I can't. I like my life the way it is right now... I can't and I won't go with you... I'm sorry." She then rips her hands out of mine, and dashes towards the school building with her friend.

I can't believe it. She doesn't want me...? No.

This is a dream.

This has to be another stupid nightmare!

I fall down, and I bury my head in my knees. I scream as loud as I possibly can.


The sirens are coming closer now, and all I do is sit and cry. My heart feels as if it was torn in two. Why would she do this to me...?

She hates me.

She never wanted me.

I'm no good for her.

She wants someone better.

My mind swirls with these types of questions. Did she even love me? Why would she do this to me? Why...?


I laugh a loud maniacal laugh as I feel cold metal clamp down my wrists. I laugh as my vision grows hazy, and I see slim black branches stab a handful of policemen. I laugh as the branches turn into Slender, and I laugh as I lay in my room, with Ben and Masky bringing me medicine. I laugh as my eyes slowly fade, and I fall into a deep sleep.





Ungh... Wha...?

"Jeff! Hey!"

My eyes focus into view, and I see ____ sitting on a chair with a laptop in hand.

"Jeff! I was looking up funny pictures of Slender! Do you know how many memes he has? They're so hilarious!" She yells. She giggles and turns the computer to me, but I don't see a picture of Slender.

I see her, lying in a coffin, with stitches surrounding her neck and cheeks.

I stare at the photo in amusement. She even looks beautiful when she's dead.

"____..." I whisper her name over and over again.



"____!" I yell. I grab the computer, and I throw it across the room.

"Wha- Jeff! That's not me! That's Liu!" she yells. My whole body freezes as I look at the picture again. Instead of ____, it is a picture of Liu, except his face is torn open. It then changes to Jane, then to Lily, then back to ____.

"Go to sleep, Jeff," ____ says, pushing me down on the bed. Confusion washes over my face.

"What?" I say.

"Go to sleep, and don't wake up..."

"Hold on, that's my thing. What're you talking about?"

"Shhh." ____ then brings out the biggest chainsaw I've ever seen.

"W-Whoa... ____? What are you doing?" I whisper. She didn't seem to hear me over the noise of the chainsaw. She then swings it towards my head.


I wake up in shock. My body is drenched in cold sweat. I go to my closet, and I put on my blood soaked sweatshirt. I grab my knife, and I carefully sneak out of the house, into the starry night.

I know what I have to do.


Insanity seems to take over my body, and I let it. I let my feet guide me to my destination, avoiding any cars and people.

When I reach my destination, I slowly open her bedroom window, and I climb in. I smile as I see my beautiful ____ sleeping soundly in her bed. Posters of (favorite band) were scattered all over the wall. Her (color) bedsheets were neatly tucked by her body. I smirk, and I walk over to her.

I carefully climb on her bed, and I straddle her. Luckily, she didn't wake. She must've been taking those sleeping pills that Masky gave her. I raise my knife, and I look at her breathing body.

If I can't have her, no one will.

Insanity rushes through my veins, and it causes me to stab her neck. Her eyes snap open, and I am the last thing she sees. They then close halfway, leaving her staring at the wall. Her blood slides down her neck, and I wipe it with my sleeve. I stare at her lifeless body for what seems like an eternity, but something wasn't right...

She wasn't smiling.

Well, I know how to fix that.

I put my knife in the corner of her mouth, and I carefully drag it across her cheek. I do the same to the other side, and I grin at my masterpiece.

I sprint over to the window, and I swing one leg outside. I take one last look at my sleeping beauty, and I feel something wet roll down my cheek. I ignore it, and I climb out, leaving my beloved to sleep for eternity.

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