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Jane leads you to the dining room, and as soon as you walk in, everyone sets their eyes on you. You shyly wave your hand and take the seat next to Jane. You give her a small smile and look around you. The other creepy people stopped staring at you, and they began talking to each other.

The dining room was painted a dark red color, with dark brown chairs, table, and floor. The chairs were all identical, except for one. It was located at the head of the table, and it's back was very tall. It was a dark wood, to match the table, and it had a red cushion.

You caught someone staring at you, and you turned towards him. He had a white mask, and dark brown hair. You guessed this was the Masky that Jeff was talking about, and you gave him a small smile. He turns his head toward you more in surprisement, but then he quickly turns away. A very tall man then enters the room. He seemed to have tentacles coming out of his back. The tentacles were each carrying a plate of food with a cover over it. The man set the dishes on the table, and a delicious smell filled the air. The calm room turned into a mad house as everyone rushed to get what they wanted to eat. You shrunk back in your chair when you saw a plate filled with kidneys. You felt like you were going to pass out.

"____... Are you alright?" asks Jane.

"Y-Yeah I'm okay... I just feel a little... queasy..." you say. Then you hold your hand over your mouth in an attempt to stop the puke that was rising from your throat.

"Oh jeez. Let me help you to your room, alright?" Jane says. She grabs a piece of Italian bread on the monochrome clown's plate. "Here. Eat this. It'll help your stomach."

"Jaaaaaane! That wasn't fair! That's MY bread!" The clown says.

"Shut it L.J. It's for her. You men are animals when it comes to food."

"Dang it woman!"

"Say that again and I'll cut you with a spoon."

"How're you gonna do that?!"

"By sharpening it dumba-"


"Fine..." says Laughing Jack.

"Yes Slender," says Jane. She leads you to a white room with a dark wood bed and white sheets. The room had creme colored walls and a white carpet. One window occupied the space between the bed and the left wall.

"Here's an empty room for you. I'll bring up some more food that's edible, aka, not kidneys." She laughed and you did also. She closed the door, and you were left alone in the room. The room had a medium sized TV, a bed, a window, and a lamp, but nothing else. You turned on the TV, and switched it to the news.

"'...Yes. Back to you Thomas.'

'Ah, yes. Thank you Charlotte. Today we will be talking about the murder in the house on (your street name).'"

Your body tensed up on hearing this. You leaned in closer to the TV.

"'A woman, age ____ was found stabbed in her stomach lying on a bedroom floor. The house was found on fire, and the woman has been burned on her face, arms, and legs. The fire mysteriously has come from an IPhone that was lying on the ground a few feet away from the mother. We have found out that the mother's daughter, ____, is nowhere to be seen. Witnesses say that a man and a boy ran out of the house. They say the man was carrying a screaming girl. Police are still investigating on this scene; we will bring you more information on this scene later. Coming up next: A woman stabs her husband with a squirrel-'" You shut off the TV.

It was hard to take in. You remembered what your mother had said to you as she was dying.
Run from these people...
Call the police...

The window. You walked over to it and opened it all the way. You swung your legs over it, until they were dangling over the edge. It was a long drop. If you push yourself, you will surely die. You looked to your left and saw old fire stairs leading to the ground. Right when you were about to grab them, someone pulled you in the room, threw you on the bed, and held you there.

It was Jeff.

"Let me go!" you screamed. You wriggled and squirmed underneath him, but his grip on your arms was strong.

"No," he said a little too bluntly.

"Jeff! Let. Me. Go!"

"You're not leaving."


"Jeff! What the hell are you doing?!" yelled a boy. You then heard something fall. You stopped struggling and looked over Jeff's shoulder. Jeff turned his head. You both see Masky standing there with Jane. Jane was holding a tray of food, but she dropped it in surprisement at the sight she was seeing. Who wouldn't?

"She tried to escape," Jeff said.

"NO!" you yelled. You again tried to push Jeff away, but his grip was still strong.

"Jeff. Get. Off. Her. Right. Now," Jane said. She was seething with rage.




Jane tackled Jeff off of you. She started to claw his face with her sharp fingernails.


"JANE! STOP- GAAAAH!" Jeff tried to shield his face with his arms.

"ENOOOOOOUGH!" boomed the same loud voice. Jane, Jeff, and you looked to see the same tall guy. Slender was it?

"Enough you two!" yelled Slender. "If it wasn't for Masky, Jeff would've had his eyeballs ripped out! Shame on you Jane! And Jeff! You seriously have to stop taking control over other people! If she wants to leave, she may leave!"

"But Slend-"

"NO BUTS JEFF! As for you, young lady." He turns his head to you, "Suicide is not the answer. I know you were going to the fire stairs, but surely you saw how they look. They haven't been used in centuries! I'm sure that you knew there was no chance of making it down safely. If you want to leave, then come with me, alright?" You nodded your head. "Good." He walks out the door, leaving you alone with Jeff and Jane once again.

"I hate you," Jane says to Jeff.

"I hate you more," Jeff says.

"I hate you more than you hate me."

"I hate you more than you make me hate you."

"I will rip out your heart and feed it to Grinny."

"That escalated quickly."

"Shut up." Jane stomped out of the room, leaving you alone with Jeff.

"So," he said, "Want to go on a killing spree with me?"

You were startled to hear his question. "U-Um..."

"It's settled then. I'll come pick you up at 7:00, okay?"


"Sweet." He ran out the door, and you sighed. Jeff's forcing you on a killing spree. You don't even know how to use a knife without almost cutting off your fingers. You don't even want to speak to Jeff, let alone kill! What are you going to do?

Blood (Jeff x reader)Where stories live. Discover now