Chapter 15

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        After wandering around for an hour we decided to to something reasonable like finding a shelter or something or finding some people who know what is happening in this fucking city. Each of us said something. Ariella said that we have to escape the city and go to a peaceful island. That was not a bad idea but I don't know if it's the same or the even the worse. And I won't risk my life.

        We decided to go to one ofour houses to get some equipments and clothes and stuff like that. Maybe some camping stuff to go to camp in a mountain like a divine happy camper that gorgets about everything. I consider that as a jackass. A jackass that doesn't know what's happening and doesn't care. Just like a bitch that tends to fuck himself. Never mind.

        I do not know what the heck did zombies do with the Internet. There was no acces. Neither to the TV nor the Internet. I don't know how shall I live a whole life struggling with zombies and not having Internet connections. That sucks. I feel it.

-" Let's sleep somewhere tonight then start doing something useful tomorrow."

-" Zombies do not sleep little bitch. Doyou wanna be chopped by one of them late night? That's free. You can test."

-" True but I believe that a house is safer. You don't wanna be exposed in a city that might be filled with zombies. Do you? Believe me. You don't."

-" Sure not but whre? I guess a kennel is safer thatn a house. The zombies might be still living in their houses. Who wants to be chopped by her own mom or be eaten by his younger bro?"

-" No one."

-" So let's just lift our ass and move!" I said.

        We started walking. The street was totally empty. There were neither zombies nor people. Just the wind. I remembered Ashley. I felt a pain in my heart or something. I felt like a killer. Like a monster. I was feeling really bad and wasn't able to walk or talk. I was thinking about that the whole time and this sentence: "You might be a beast when you are looking for the other beasts." This was strange for me.

        We found a small place that used to be a gallery or something and went near the door. It was large and metallic.

-" If we manage to open this, we'll besafe for the whole night."

-" Okay but first of all open it."

-" That's the problem. How?" The twins said.

        I slowly moved near the door. I wasn't answering them or even talking. I found something. Something really useful.

-" Looks like the manager had left this key here for his grand son to get in." I said and shook the key in the air and went near the door to open it. Dust started going in our mouths and noses as we walked in. It was too old and it was filled with some paintings. The picture in them was not clear. Just some colorful stains. Mostly red including green and brown. The only thing I understood from them was that it was a picture of outdoors or something.

        I started searching. I found a room that used to be a kitchen. The space was so spooky and filled with webs and spiders swinging from them. Broken glasses were all over the place. They were half filled with wine. I was able to hear the voice of glasses moving but I considered it as my imagination. I saw an old refrigerator but it was still working. I took some beans. That was the only thing it was in it except water.

-" Kasey found something!" Ariella yelled.

-" SHUT IT! They might here you!" I replied.

-" Fine fine! She said and took the beans. "May I bake them for you queen?" She asked.

-" The scent may be smelled by some creatures. We'll eat it as it is."

-" Ugh okay." She said. She never liked cold food.


        We finished eating our food after some minutes and went to sleep.

-" Were is my tooth brush?" The twins said.

-" No tooth brush here. Sorry princesses." I said. Each of us found somewhere nd went to sleep. I slept at the top of a closet. 







        I opened my eyes when I heard some strange noises. Something like mushing but harder. Like somebody was trying to get in but they couldn't easily knock. Something was struggling with the walls. I didn't know what it is. But it's something bad probably.

-" Who could it be at this hour?" Ariella said. She was half asleep.

-" I don't know. Maybe it's mom trying to..." I said but didn't continue because some other noises were added.

        Now something else was banging on the door. It sounded like a serenade. All the sounds were playing in the same melody and rythm. Then a high BANG and silence. Then some stuff stretching themselves on the ground then the familiar voices. Hungry voices looking for brains. Sounds of the brain munching beasts so called Zombies. Creatures that shouldn't have been existed but they did. That really ugly and surreal truth. We were gonna die.

        All I did was jumping down from the wardrobe thing. We moved closer to eachother. The creatures were trying to reach us. But they stopped and I saw the worst scene ever in my whole life. That man. The man with a stripped coat and long grey hair, long nails and really huge eyes. Maybe twice than mine. Maybe even bigger. He started talking for the first time. 

-" Kasey, your friend wants to revenge." He said and smiled.

        The smile was warm. It wasn't scary or something devilish. It was warm and from his heart but it made ice sweep in my arteries. Then a zombie moved forward. Yes. A familiar one. It was Ashley. She was looking pale and green. Her mouth was wide open. She looked at me for a second. I imagined that she woud smile and shake hands with me but it was totally the opposite. Suddenly she stabbed me in my chest and ripped my heart out. I knew that I'm dead and this was the last scene I saw. My heart was still pumping and it was in her hand. Yes in Ashley's hand. And I fell down and closed my eyes. My body was numb. I was feeling death for the first time. All I heard was my friends screaming and then blackness...


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