Chapter 18

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I open my eyes. I mean I started seeing. I insult the fucking car and blow the dust. I'm not able to move well. I guess all of my bones are broken now plus I feel numb and the point is that there's NO doctor in this situation. If there was they wouldn't heal ME and I wouldn't be healed because I'm actually dead and dead people can't be healed I think. 

I can hear the sound of my broken bones and I'm feeling my head's warmth and beat after I hit that stupid thing. I would eat the driver's brain if I see him. That will fix him. I don'tknow why I mentioned brains because they are DISGUSTING even though I have one in my head. 

Now I'm even more hopeless than before.I'm hungry and pain is all over me plus I have nowhere to go and after all I'm stuck in a valley that is a jillion meters high. We always passed this valley when we wanted t visit my nagger grandma but I've never noticed the height.

I walk around to see if there;s anything handy. I find a sharp stone. I always wanted to know how suicide felt like and now it was time. Life is more likely I mean living as a walking DEAD and If I die, well nothing would happen because I hae nothing else to care of. 

I touch my skin with the stone. It's not too painful. I mean I actually feel nothing.Then I cut myself. That'smore disgusting than painful. And NOTHING happens. There is NO blood. Just red black thrombus it's kinda slimy and goopy.

I roll my eyes hardly and throw the stone away. I think that I've done the worst thing ever because that is not going to be the same.

I'm thinking when I notice a light. It looks like somebody has set fire but the color changes to brown, aqua, white, gold and fire again. I move closer. I finally reach it. NOone's there. Just a shitty diamond necklace that seems to be a hundred years old. Even more. I don't know.

I'm disappointed. A diamond necklace is not useful. I pick it to see if its fake diamond or not. I can not even scratch it with my SHARP nails. They are the sharpest things I've ever seen in my whole life. I try again ut I feel something strange in my hand and throw it. It actually burnt me.

-" DICKHEAD NECKLACE!" I yell and pick it up again. This time, conservatively.

I put in on. It might come in handy sometime. I continue walking when I feel something. Something strange that I feel it in my tummy. The only thing that I feel it right now.

The diamond is glowing blue. I try to take it off but I can't. It burns me agin and I can not touch it. I lift my hands and hold them infront of my face. A tattoo appears on my hands and it's glowing too. Suddenly I see my hands are normal but then it turns the same. Just like a hologram. 

I start shouting and asking for help even though no one's there and zombies can't help. 

The necklace is now normal. But the tattoo is still visible. I lift my hand and scream.

-" WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY HANDS MOTHERFUCKER DIAMOND?" I yell when I see fire coming out of my hand.

-" Oh my gosh!" I say and hold it infront of a tree."

-" FIRE!" I say. The tree starts burning after I shoot it.

-" Mmm what else?" I think but water comes out of my hands and save the poor tree.

Yeah this is now getting interesting.

SEVEN I S2G if U read this shit I will find U & murder U it's unedited.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora