Chapter 10

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Guys I wanna change Palin's name cause I have some new ideas! It's Foster now! I'm gonna check the last chapters too! Thanks!

-" WE ARE DEAD!!!" Lea yelled.

-" Shut up bitch! We all know that!!" I said.

-" No! We can kill them!" Jacob said and rolled his knife. 

-" With this knife?" i said and sneered.

The twins weren't saying anything. Their head was down. their eyes were closed, they were holding eachother's hands and praying.

-" So romantic!" Josh said. He was so scared.

-" What should we do now?" Jacob said. We were stuck and zombies were moving closer to us.

-" Kill ourselves maybe. It's better than being slaughters by the zombies.

-" I won't kill myself!!" I yelled.

-" I don't care!" Jacob said and used his knife to kill himself. He put the knife in his heart. he continued:

-" See you in heaven." he said.

-" In the HELL!" Josh said and started crying.

-" Goodbye guys." Jacob said.

-" You bitch! At least your brain! Not your heart!" I yelled but he idn't answer. I didn't know that he had the best death.

I have never cried in my life think so and now I wanted to cry but I couldn't. I shouted. I closed my eyes. I opened them when I heard my friends screaming. Zombies were right in front of us. But they weren't moving. They moved in different directions so we were able to see two persons. I wasn't able to believe that. One of them was a tall man with a stripped coat and a tie with huge huge eyes. The other one was...

Mr. James Foster.

-" YOU Foster!" Ariella yelled. His eyes turned to face the floor. He was red and stressed but not scared.

-" Kasey..." He said.

-" Why are you doing this? WHY ARE YOU CALLING ME?" I asked.

-" I can't tell you."Foster said.

-" FUCK YOU LITTLE BITCH!" I yelled. He said nothing. He had a cold smile and sneered.

The clown didn't say anything. He lifted his hands and pointed at us. Then said:

-" Enjoy kids." He said.

Suddenly all of the zombies ran near us. They jumped on Josh, opened his stomache and pulled his organs out. He was just screaming. They took Jacob's brain and ate that with pleasure. One of them cut Jacob's head and shook it in the air and threw it. It rolled near Foster's feet. After some seconds everyone were slaughtered except me, Ariella, the twins, Lea and Nicole. The zombies moved backwards.

        The clown pointed at Bieber. Bieber moved forward near Lea.

-" Justin!" Lea said. Bieber didn't answer because he was a mindless tupid zombie. He was making stupid sounds. The clown made some stupid sounds. Suddenly Bieber stabbed lea on the eyes. She covered her eyes with her hands and started screamin. Bieber pulled out her eye and took her brain and ate it. Lea fell down. She was dead.

 -" This isn't the last time that you see Mr. ... Forget about it.: The man said and turned. Nicole wasn't scared like us. She was so angry.

 -" I didn't expect ..." Nicole said.

-" What do you mean Cole?" Ariella said. Nicole didn't answer. I closed my eyes. After I opened them, they were all gone. All there was blood, organs and corpses. Not corpses actually. Pieces and five confused girls.


SEVEN I S2G if U read this shit I will find U & murder U it's unedited.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن